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09.2023 Group Briefing

Far Eastern International Bank hosts the Hanyang Technology Green Energy Syndicated Loan case and the Hong Kong Lei Shing Hong Kong LTD Syndicated Loan case

Far Eastern International Bank / Zhu Jialin
3972601        Far Eastern International Bank has hosted the NTD 3.7 billion syndicated loan project of "Hanyang Technology Green Energy Company". The fundraising has been completed and a syndicated loan contract has been signed. The loan funds are planned to be used to support the construction demand of the High Efficiency Waste Heat Treatment Facility BOO (Build Operate Own) project in Hsinchu County. The estimated annual waste treatment capacity can reach 155000 tons, and the incineration heat energy can also be recycled for renewable power generation. In addition to Far Eastern International Bank, the members of the syndicated loan banking group this time also include banks such as Zhaofeng Commercial Bank, Kaohsiung Bank, Taichung City Commercial Bank, etc., demonstrating the determination of the financial industry to promote sustainable finance.

        In addition, Far Eastern International Bank has also established a cross-border corporate finance service platform and co hosted the three-year international syndicated loan case of "Hong Kong Lei Shing Hong LTD Credit Co., Ltd.", with a total credit limit of USD240 million. It has established a long-term partnership with a leading Hong Kong property loan brand. Cross border syndicated loan is a highlight of Far Eastern International Bank's business, enjoying brand awareness in overseas markets such as Hong Kong and the East Asia Pacific. Currently, in addition to the Hong Kong branch, there are also offices in Singapore and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, actively grasping the growth opportunities of the East Asia Pacific market in the supply chain transfer.


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