Far Eastern Group 70th Anniversary
Celebration──FE HAPPY GO Start!
Far Eastern Group's 70th Anniversary Public Welfare Event series will
be launched in October. It invites all Taiwanese people to record
their daily walking steps through smartphones and Happy Go App, aiming
at 7,000 steps a day. As long as the goal is reached on that day, they
will get Far Eastern Group gift vouchers every day. "One lucky draw
and the winner's list will be announced the next day. In addition, the
more days you reach 7,000 steps, the more opportunities you can
accumulate to participate in the "70 Love Far Eastern Group HAPPYGO"
lottery after the event. In addition, the event will collect 5 billion
steps (more than 70 circles around the earth) from the public, and the
accumulated total steps will be converted into 7 million points of Far
Eastern Group HAPPYGO, which will be donated to domestic public
welfare units to express the support and practical action of the
public and Far Eastern Group for public welfare.
For more information, please refer
to the activity page:https://reurl.cc/k5LYYd