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遠東集團   The Latest Issue:2022-06-20

Far Eastern e-Magazine

Publisher:Far Eastern Magazine

The Date of The First Issue :2001-06-01

Cover Story Weekly News Weekly Event Welfare Recommendation Editor's Word Quiz
This Issue Cover   Cover Story  

Create, share and make a good use of the digital strategy of Far Eastern International Bank

  With the official opening of pure online banks such as Lotte bank, line bank and futurebank, the "digital war" in Taiwan's financial industry is becoming more and more intense. In order to rush new customers and improve market share, banks have launched large-scale advertisements and offered discounts. By the end of March 2022, the three pure online banks have faced the pressure of capital increase, and traditional physical banks have also invested heavily to accelerate digital transformation. On the contrary, Far Eastern International Bank has already laid a niche in the field of digital finance through Bankee social bank. In the future, it will continue to take a different path with its unique advantages!

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Info of this Edition
.Leader's Remarks .Cover Story
.Group Briefing .Honor
.Welfare .Hot Topic
.Life Guide .Story
.Special Report .Editor
Weekly News

Far EasTone telecommunication held the 2022 ordinary shareholders' meeting

  In 2021, Yuanchuan Telecom's consolidated total revenue was ntd85.32 billion, and its consolidated EBITDA was ntd28.17 billion. Its after tax earnings and earnings per share (EPS) were ntd9.124 billion and ntd2.80 respectively, both exceeding the financial forecast target. This year, it issued a cash dividend of ntd3.25 per share, with a dividend distribution rate of more than 100% for 11 consecutive years, ranking first in the industry. The meeting also revealed the development strategy for the next five years: through 5g value-added services, we will lay out innovative applications of meta universe to promote revenue growth; Set up a "digital transformation expert consulting service" team to help enterprises transform and upgrade; With net zero as the main axis, build a smart and sustainable city and accelerate the development of green business opportunities; Listen to users' needs and establish a mobile life circle; Continue to form alliances with other industries, improve investment efficiency, and create a more convenient, safe, warm and environmentally friendly digital life for consumers.

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Pacific Chongguang department store held the 2022 regular meeting of shareholders

  Pacific Chongguang department store (hereinafter referred to as SOGO) has a turnover of ntd42.2 billion in 2021, with a pre tax net profit growth of 20.7% to ntd1460million. It will issue a cash dividend of ntd1.21, an increase of ntd0.11 over last year. In 2022, SOGO will continue to echo the international sustainable trend, focus on the three major aspects of "energy conservation and emission reduction", "sustainable consumption" and "circular business model", work with all operating bases, suppliers and consumers in Taiwan to carry out a number of ESG action plans, and become a retail benchmarking enterprise that keeps pace with the times, is friendly and friendly, and provides the public with a comprehensive fashion life experience.

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Everest textile held the 2022 ordinary shareholders' meeting

  In 2021, the consolidated revenue of Hongyuan Industrial reached ntd1007 billion, an increase of 36% over the previous year, a record high. The after tax net profit and EPS were ntd1.82 billion and ntd0.39 respectively, and the operation turned into profit. In the first quarter of 2022, excluding disaster losses, the profit was ntd0.61 billion. In the future, Hongyuan will continue to make good use of the regional manufacturing strategy of global layout, make rapid and flexible scheduling, build short chain supply, and, in the spirit of "diversified integration and innovation, resilient and sustainable development", improve the recycling and manufacturing process of Wuhan far eastern new material, develop high-value sustainable textiles, show the strength of enterprise resilience, improve operating performance, enhance shareholder value, and become the industry leader.

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The net zero road is not absent! Asia Cement Corporation and Ya Tung ready mixed concrete corporation are both certified

  As a leading brand in Taiwan's cement industry, Asia Cement, facing the international sustainable trend of thought, not only proposed the SBT scientific carbon reduction goal, but also reached the standard ahead of time through the development of circular economy and the production of low-carbon cement! The subsidiary Yadong ready mix not only formulated Taiwan's first version of the rules for the classification of ready mixed concrete products, but also took the lead in Taiwan in May. It was awarded four carbon labels for ready mixed concrete products, namely, "320kg for the general proportioning of 4000psi" and "240kg for the low-carbon proportioning", reducing carbon by 25%; "The general carbon emission of 5000PSI is 360kg" and "the carbon emission of low carbon is 260kg", reducing carbon by 28%. On June 14, the two companies were both certified as "net zero standard" by Taiwan net zero action alliance, setting a benchmark for their peers.

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Weekly Event

Tainan Far Eastern Group Shangri La Hotel launched "Oh! My little hero summer fun" housing project

  Aiming at the summer parent-child tourism market, the Far East Shangri La Hotel in Tainan cooperates with the first brand of Taiwan's children's smart watches, "about time technology", to launch the housing project of "Oh! My little hero summer fun". From June 24 to August 31, you can stay in a spacious and comfortable guest room and enjoy a rich breakfast, as well as in-house meals and Qi spa 85% discount, Give another herowatch 2 children's smart watch with a total value of nearly ntd6000 and a gift of accessories. From July on, you can also experience the weekend limited water activities of "energy struggle for immediate rescue" and "colorful ball treasure hunt" for free, starting from ntd8000 per room every night. Reservation hotline (06) 702-8899, online reservation: https://reurl.cc/2Zek7v

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Far EasTone telecommunication raises medical funds for dependent children

  Yuanchuan Telecom recently opened a "caring for public welfare" zone in the "Yuanchuan life" app to help the loyalty foundation raise medical funds during the placement of dependent children. People can choose to donate online or by bill. From now on, anyone who donates ntd500 or more will be given 500 happy go points, inviting everyone to support the health, growth and happiness of dependent children with love. For details, please contact Yuanchuan official website: https://bit.ly/2022CYFET

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editor's pick

"Legal Column-TW":Applying for virtual health insurance card for medical treatment is reassuring and convenient

   It has been 18 years since the chip health insurance card was issued. With the progress of digital technology and the change of people's living habits, the National Health Insurance Department has launched a pilot project of "virtual health insurance card medical treatment mode" since 2019 to solve the dilemma of people forgetting to bring their health insurance card when seeking medical treatment, and to meet the needs of people for safe medical treatment under the epidemic situation.

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"Office Talk": "Innovator's DNA" -- learning innovation from "innovation"
"Office Talk":Seize the opportunity of delivering fresh groceries
Editor's Word

"Far Eastern talk" Soliciting contribution of AUG topic:  summer war

  How do you spend the long hot time in the hot summer? Stay in a comfortable air-conditioned room? Or visit the mountains and forests? Or to soothe the restless heart with diet therapy? Welcome to write and share practical summer remedies. If the length of the article is less than 300 words, the Far East monthly will provide you with a "cool summer fund"! (deadline: before July 15)


Winners List of No.382 Edition

Congratulations to the following winners who received Far Eastern Group 4 in 1 gift certificate for NTD300  each!

遠 東商銀 吳○宥/亞東科技大學 洪○佐/亞東醫院 鄭○芬/亞東證券 吳○穎/遠東先進纖維 凃○珍/遠東百貨 王○嵐/鼎鼎企管 何○俞/遠東SOGO 百貨 王○嵐/東聯化學 張○儀/遠東商銀 張○寧/遠東新觀音廠 李○琳/豫章工商 程○蘭/裕民航運 賴○瑛/亞泥花蓮廠 盧○伃/遠東新世紀 李○ 府

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