The English version is AI translated.


2019年03月號 人事動態

元智研發枕頭拍拍樂 獲三創設計優勝獎

元智大學 / 饒浩文

  由元智大學藝設系林楚卿副教授帶領藝設系任敬葭、機械所陳虹諭同學組成之「CKfablab」團隊,以「枕頭戰—我要我們憶起玩」作品,參加史丹福銀髮設計競賽(Stanford Design Challenge),獲得亞洲區優勝獎,同時榮獲教育部智慧生活三創設計競賽創新組 「優勝獎」,以及「社會創新構想獎」。

  這是一套以祖孫共玩為目標,以「抱枕」為介面, 將科技隱藏於日常物件中的跨世代電玩遊戲設計,希望讓孩童和長輩都容易上手,設計以行為「適應性」為主軸,著重於不分年紀都能適應的遊戲操作方式。#

YZU designs game “ Pillow Fight” to win prize
A game app called “Pillow Fight “was awarded with a prize in Asia in Stanford Design Challenge and another two prizes in Creative Design Contest held by Ministry of Education.  The app is developed by Yuan Ze University team CKfablab lead by Chu-Ching Lin (林楚卿), Associated Professor of Art and Design, and students Jin-Jia Ren(任敬葭) and Hong-Yu Chen (陳虹諭).

This cross-generational game is aimed at grandparents and grandchildren playing together.  They use a pillow as interface and put hidden technology inside the daily necessity.  The principal of design is based on adaptive behavior which is easy to play without age limit.#  

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