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12.2022 Group Briefing

FE SOGO Department stores use their platform power to shorten the distance between people and sustainability

FE SOGO Department stores / Cai Shangbin, Zhang Ruiling
20221218-3        FE SOGO Department stores invited VIP customers to visit the headquarters of Oolaide, the world's first carbon neutral beauty company, in Longtan, Taoyuan. This is the first green building cosmetics GMP factory in Asia, which has won the "Taiwan EEWH Green Building Gold" certification and the "Diamond Building Carbon Footprint Certification" for factory buildings. It is the best demonstration of the coexistence of enterprises and nature.

        In addition, FE SOGO Department stores in Hsinchu also regularly held public benefit lectures. In October, Chen Renping, CEO of Haiyong Studio, was invited to share the "plastic" taught by sea turtles and reflect on how human daily behavior affects the future of the earth.


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