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遠東集團   The Latest Issue:2024-05-27

Far Eastern e-Magazine

Publisher:Far Eastern Magazine

The Date of The First Issue :2001-06-01

Cover Story Weekly News Weekly Event Welfare Editor's Pick Editor's Word Quiz
This Issue Cover   Cover Story  

Carbon Reduction Support and Green Supply Chain Empowerment

  Green consumption has become mainstream in recent years, with not only consumers tending towards more environmentally friendly consumption patterns, but also manufacturing giants actively developing more environmentally friendly processes and products. This cover story takes you to the production site to learn how Far Eastern New Century Corporation and Oriental Industries (Suzhou) achieve their goals of efficiency and low-carbon through innovative technology.

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Info of this Edition
.Leader's Remarks.Cover Story
.Group Briefing.Honor
.Welfare.Hot Topic
.Life Guide.Story
.Special Report.Editor
Weekly News

Far EasTone Joins Hands with Kaohsiung Medical University "5G Ambulance" to Advance in Kaohsiung

  Far Eastern Telecom has created a "5G ambulance" for the Kaohsiung City Government Fire Department. Through an innovative cooperation mechanism of "5G emergency rescue," it integrates the emergency and critical energy of the Kaohsiung Medical University Affiliated Zhonghe Memorial Hospital (hereinafter referred to as Gaoyi), fully connecting the accident site to the hospital end, and jointly creating a seamless emergency ecosystem. On May 15th, at the "Happiness Alliance Conference" of Kaohsiung Medical College, Far Eastern donated the 5G long-distance diagnosis and treatment platform, software and hardware equipment, and services loaded on ambulances to Kaohsiung City, aiming to upgrade emergency rescue with 5G technology and connect the "Trauma Emergency Rescue Intelligent Workstation" of Kaohsiung Medical College to strengthen pre hospital treatment and front and rear team collaboration, in order to save golden rescue time for critically ill patients.

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Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology Won 2024 ITEX 2 Special Awards, 5 Gold, 6 Silver, and 3 Bronze Medals, Achieving Excellent Results

  Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology, in collaboration with Yadong Hospital, Far EasTone Telecom, as well as high and secondary vocational schools such as New Taipei High School, Luodong High School of Commerce, and Overseas Chinese High School, participated in the 35th Malaysia International Invention Exhibition (ITEX) from May 16 to 18, 2024. Through technological exchange and joint research, the university built a learning chain for technical colleges, enhanced students' technological and innovative abilities, and stood out in the high-tech field, winning 1 Hong Kong Special Award, 1 Thailand Special Award, as well as 5 gold, 6 silver, and 3 bronze medals.

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Weekly Event

Taipei Far Eastern Shangri La Hotel Far Eastern Café Inviting You to Taste the Scenery of Mongolia and the Desert

  Taipei Far Eastern Shangri La Hotel Far Eastern Café from May 17th to June 27th, launched the "Tasting the Mongolian Desert Style" food event, inviting the Executive Deputy Chef of Shangri La in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia and the deputy chef of the Café Park self-service restaurant, together presenting authentic Mongolian grilled meat and local specialties, selects dishes such as Mongolian milk barrel grilled meat, traditional Bantan soup, Mongolian beef pies, as well as traditional potato salad and golden crispy Mongolian dumplings, making it a classic. Far Eastern Café The self-service restaurant starts at NTD1580+10% per person for lunch and dinner, and the reservation hotline is (02) 7711-2080.

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Tax Payment Season Relies on Bankee's Four Major Blood Nourishing Skills to Transform into a Tax Payment Expert

  In response to the tax payment season in May, Far Eastern International Bank Bankee Community Bank has proposed four key blood boosting techniques. Firstly, regardless of whether you are a new or old household, you can use the "slow payment" (installment payment) function by swiping your card and paying NTD3000 or more and enjoy up to 150 days of zero interest rate. New users who apply for Bankee credit cards through designated links can use LINE PAY to bind their Bankee credit card before July 3rd, accumulate NTD600 and earn 300 LINE POINTS. Secondly, those in need of funds can also apply for Bankee's "Loan You Deposit" credit, challenging to retrieve half of the paid interest. Thirdly, if there are tax refunds or idle funds after tax payment, they can be deposited into the Bankee digital live deposit account, enjoying a preferential interest rate of 1.435% of the maximum amount of NTD, which is about 1.71 times higher than the general live deposit interest rate. Fourthly, new users can apply for a Bankee digital deposit account and complete the first binding of "Easy Wallet", or pay the comprehensive tax through the "iPASS Money" electronic payment platform to enjoy an NTD300 reward. In addition, the electronic payment platform provides limited rewards, with a maximum reward of NTD700 (the actual bonus and quota will be subject to the announcements of each electronic payment platform).

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Editor's Pick

Life Guide: Make good use of trust financial tools to safeguard retirement life

  Living a stable life in the elderly is a common expectation of the people. According to statistics released by the competent authority, the average life expectancy in Taiwan in 2021 was 80.86 years. If calculated from the official retirement age of 62 years and a healthy remaining life of 73.3 years, the unhealthy remaining life of Taiwanese people is about 7-8 years. Therefore, the adequacy of retirement benefits will determine the quality of life in the latter half of one's life.

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Office Talk: Using Power BI tools to enhance accounting management efficiency
Life Guide: Seeing is not believing? Public disclosure of AI fraud techniques
Editor's Word

"Far Easterners talk" July topic: Let's exercise together!

  With the rise of health awareness in recent years, more and more people are joining the ranks of sports and fitness. Whether you are a gym enthusiast, outdoor enthusiast, or home sports enthusiast, please feel free to write to share your favorite sports and the reasons why you love them. With a length of no more than 300 words, the Far Eastern Monthly will provide you with a "fitness sponsorship fund"! (Deadline: Before June 15th)


Winners List of No.405 Edition

Congratulations to the following winners!

●【Far Eastern Group 4 in 1 gift certificate for NTD300 each】
全家福 洪〇芳/遠東都會 黃〇雯/遠東新世紀 吳〇諺
亞證(臺中) 江〇慧/江西亞東水泥 柯〇甜/遠東巨城 鍾〇峰
遠東商銀 柯〇頤/遠東新世紀 蔡〇茵/亞東醫院 周〇亭
遠東先進纖維 凃〇珍/亞東證券 李〇姿/遠東商銀 朱〇琳
遠東新世紀 林〇紅/愛買(三重) 楊〇甄/武漢亞鑫水泥 朱〇
亞東證券 邱〇娟/遠東百貨 鄔〇娟/亞東工業(蘇州) 王〇
亞泥(花蓮) 戴〇婷/南昌亞力水泥 程〇強/亞洲水泥 游〇和
宏遠興業 廖〇雅/遠東SOGO百貨 宋〇綸/亞泥(花蓮) 陳〇信
湖北亞東水泥 陳〇鳴

●【NTD300 worth of purchase money on the official website of Fet.com each】
亞東證券 李〇萱/亞東百貨 歐〇綺/鼎鼎聯合行銷 薛〇坤
遠龍不銹鋼 林〇佑/臺北遠東飯店 詹〇琴

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