2023年03月號 樂活職人
提前準備 開會不NG
EIE美語 / 提供
Vocabulary (詞彙)
1. adapter(轉接器)
2. here you go(給你/這是你要的)
3. a life saver(救星)
4. can’t wait to…(迫不及待/很期待)
5. sounds like a plan(聽起來不錯)
Sample Dialogue(情境範例)
Mark:Good afternoon, Sandra.(午安,Sandra.)
Sandra:Good afternoon, Mark. I’m setting up for the meeting. Do you know where I can find an adapter?(午安,Mark。我正在準備會議,你知道哪裡可以找到轉接器嗎?)
Mark:Is it for projecting your PowerPoint slides?(你要連到投影機投影PPT簡報是嗎?)
Sandra:Yes, it is. My Mac has only HDMI, but I forgot to bring my adapter with me.(是的。我的電腦只有HDMI,但是我忘了帶轉接器了。)
Mark:You can use mine. Here you go!(你可以使用我的。給你!)
Sandra:You are a life saver. Thanks a ton.(你真是救星耶!萬分感謝!)
Mark:I know the meeting today will be focusing on project strategy. I can’t wait to learn more about it.(據我所知,今天的會議將聚焦在專案策略,我迫不及待想了解更多。)
Sandra:James and I will present our strategic plan later. I hope you’ll provide your comments and feedback.(James和我稍後會向大家介紹戰略計畫,希望你們不吝提供意見和反饙。)
Mark:Looking forward to it. Let’s get your slides ready before the others arrive.(非常期待!在大家陸續進會議室前,讓我們先把簡報資料準備好。)
Sandra:Sounds like a plan. Thank you.(聽起來不錯。謝謝你。)
英文課程諮詢請洽:EIE Institute Belle Yin(Tel: (02) 8773-6828 Ext. 368;Email: belle@eie.com.tw)