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02.2020 Group Briefing

Gather peer's strength and create brilliant future together Far Eastern Industries (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. held annual meeting

Yuanfang industry (Wuxi) / Li Jian
        Yuanfang industry (Wuxi) held a tail tooth activity on January 3. Vice president Wei Deguang led his colleagues to have a good time with the guests. Facing the complicated market environment of the past year, the company has effectively consolidated the development trend of its core spinning business and achieved good results, all of which depend on the efforts of its colleagues. It is expected that the company will set sail and set sail in 2020.

In the evening party, Yuanfang industry (Wuxi) also praised the outstanding employees in 2019 and won the title of labor model, including he Haibo, Jiang Zhaoqin, Meng Tao, Tian Shuiyu, Jiang Haixia, Niu rujiao, Yin Haoqiang, Zhuming, Dai Weiwei, Zhu Xiuzhen, Cheng Qianyu, Zhang Songhua, Li Jing, Shen Youbing and pan Ping. Colleagues who have won the title of meritorious employees include: Chen Sulan, Li Hejun, Zhou Hongliang, Chen Yan, Yang Wei, Wang Jiangtao, Wen Zhijun, Yin Haoqiang, Wang Yuexian, Wang Yujun, Meng Tao and Yang Yang. The company adheres to the annual "appraisal" to encourage employees to strive for excellence first, strengthen the sense of competition, consolidate the internal solidarity, and cultivate a good corporate culture atmosphere. Honest value orientation, reliable personal morality, positive spirit, full working enthusiasm and good comprehensive quality are just the requirements of the company for all employees.

Later, the evening party entered a happy time, covering dance, singing, martial arts, magic and various types of programs, and the interactive lottery link was interspersed, which always affected the scene atmosphere, making the scene climax of the evening party. More than two hours of the evening party fully demonstrated the versatility and youth vitality of far Easterner, which is memorable.

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