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01.2024 Honor and Personnel Change

Taipei Far Eastern Group Communication Park won the Gold Award in the Ministry of the Interior's Construction Research Institute Competition

Far Eastern Resources Development / Zheng Tingyin
887c01        The Ministry of the Interior's Architecture R&D Center, in order to encourage the application of digital technology in diverse fields, endow spaces with new value and improve quality of life, held the 16th "Creative Fantasy Nest for the Future" Smart Residential Space Creative Competition Award Ceremony and Work Sharing Conference on November 10. Far Eastern Resources Development has developed the "Tpark Sustainable Low Carbon Intelligent Park" through four major aspects: management and integration of IoT, system integration, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and data application. It has developed low-carbon operation management solutions and created benefits through innovative operating models, winning the "Nest for the Future" gold medal.

        The "Tpark Sustainable Low Carbon Intelligent Park" utilizes BIM management and integration with data from the construction phase, and in the subsequent operation phase, it is combined with Facility Management (FM) to significantly improve management efficiency. In addition, a carbon emission statistics dashboard has been developed, which not only strengthens management and monitoring, but also predicts future carbon emissions and further formulates carbon reduction strategies.

        In the early stages of development, the Far Eastern Group Communication Park in Taipei was based on "sustainability" and applied smart technology to practice "low-carbon development" and "intelligent management", implementing ESG Sustainability Development and net zero goals. This award not only recognizes Far Eastern Resources Development as a "pioneer" and "practitioner" of sustainable smart park development, but also an "innovator".


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