2023年07月號 樂活職人
EIE美語 / 提供
- etiquette(禮儀)
- diverse(各種各樣的、多樣的)
- annual(每年、年度的)
- used to(曾經常做的事或行為,但現在不再發生了)
- transfer(搬遷、轉移、轉調)
- multicultural(多元文化的、融合多種文化的)
- tips(秘訣、技巧)
- salad bowl(沙拉碗,引申為接納各種文化,並分別保留空間,產生多樣性的社會現象)
Sample Dialogue(情境範例)
Sandra:What are you reading, Mark?(Mark,你在看什麼?)
Mark:Hotel information and a book about travel etiquette in foreign countries.(我在看飯店資訊和一本跟海外旅遊禮儀須知相關的書。)
Sandra:Are you going somewhere?(你要去哪裡?)
Mark:I’m taking a business trip to the US in three days.(三天後我要去美國出差。)
Sandra:Where to?(去哪個城市?)
Mark:I’m going to visit our offices in the US. I’ll be in Seattle for a week, then fly to Boston to attend the annual sales conference.(我要去美國的幾個分公司。先到西雅圖一週,再飛往波士頓參加年度業務會議。)
Sandra:That should be fun and interesting.(聽起來很有趣耶。)
Mark:Have you been there?(妳之前去過嗎?)
Sandra:Many times! I used to visit our offices abroad every year before I was transferred to Taipei.(去過很多次!在調職到臺北之前,我每年經常出差到海外分公司。)
Mark:Do you have any tips for me?I only have a few days to get ready.(妳有沒有小秘訣可以提供給我?我只剩下幾天可以準備了。)
Sandra:Of course. The U.S.A. is what they call a salad bowl; you’ll be amazed how multicultural and diverse it is. It will be a great experience for you.(當然!美國就是他們說的沙拉碗,接納各種文化,並為每個文化都保留了空間,很像在一個大碗裡攪拌沙拉,全拌在一起,但每樣東西都保留得很完整。你會驚艷於它的多元文化及多樣性。這對你來說將會是一次很棒的經驗。)
英文課程諮詢請洽:EIE Institute Belle Yin(Tel: (02) 8773-6828 Ext. 368;Email: belle@eie.com.tw)