The English version is AI translated.


2020年06月號 乐活职人


提供 / EIE美语

  身为上班族,在办公室、社交场合或商务会议中,常需要表达意见。本期英文小教室带您一起来认识「同意」的专业表达方式。除了yes 以外,还可以透过不同强度的语言来表述喔!


一、Strong Agreement 强烈表达同意
  I completely/totally/strongly agree.(我相当同意。)
  I agree entirely.(我完全同意。)
  I’m in total agreement.(我持完全赞同意见。)

二、Neutral Agreement 较中立口吻
  I agree.(我同意。)
  I think you’re right.(我觉得你是对的。)

三、Partial Agreement 部份赞同
*I agree up to a point, but...(我同意你的观点,但…)
This is a good idea. I agree with you up to a point, but I still have some concerns regarding this matter.(这是个好点子,我同意你的观点,但我还是有些顾虑。)

*I agree in principle, but…(原则上我同意,但…)
I agree in principle, but we cannot travel because of COVID-19.(原则上我同意,但因新冠病毒疫情,我们无法成行。)

Scenario:Mark is coming into the office(情境:Mark走进办公室)
Alan:Hi Mark! How have you been?(嗨,Mark!最近好吗?)
Sabrina:Wow! Good to see you, Mark.(哇!很开心见到你,Mark)
Mark:Hi guys! It’s good to see you, too. I just got off a meeting. We were planning to hold the company retreat in forest parks this year in July.(嗨!很开心见到你们。我才刚结束一个会议,会中讨论今年七月公司的教育训练预计在森林公园举办。)
Sabrina:What a great idea! I agree entirely. We can all engage in social distancing easily if we are all in a forest park.(好主意!我完全同意。若是在森林公园,大家就能轻易的保持社交距离。)
Alan:I like the ‘forest park’ idea. I agree in principle, but I’m not so sure about the month of July. We have an important press conference for a new product launch in July.(我很喜欢「森林公园」这个点子。原则上我赞成,但我不确定七月是不是个好时间点。我们有个重要的新产品上市记者会要在七月举办。)
Sabrina:I think you’re right. What about September? September has good weather that isn’t too hot or too cold. Hope COVID-19 is just like seasonal flu and will subside by then.(我想你是对的。那九月如何?九月刚好不冷也不热。希望新冠病毒像季节性流感一样,到时候疫情可以趋缓。)(by then = 到时候,到那时以前/到那时为止
Mark:Totally! I strongly agree. Let me propose this idea to my department head later. Thanks guys.(没错!我相当赞同。我等会儿回去向部门主管报告这个想法,谢谢你们。)
Alan:The company retreat this year sounds fun. I’m excited about it.(今年的教育训练感觉很好玩,我很期待。)
Sabrina:I agree. We’ve never held one in a forest park before......oh no! I’m late for a meeting. I’ve got to go now. Catch you guys up later.(我同意,我们从未在森林公园举办过……啊!我有个会议要迟到了,待会再聊。)
Alan:Have a good one.(开会顺利。)

以上英文教学由EIE美语提供,英文课程谘询请洽:EIE Institute Belle Yin(Tel: (02) 8773-6828 Ext. 368;Email:



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