2023年04月號 乐活职人
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EIE美语 / 提供
尽管工作再忙碌,也别忘了和同事保持友好互动,除了可以分享工作中的甘苦,有时还会有意想不到的收穫呢!本期「英文小教室」为您示范Small Talk的小技巧,让您侃侃而谈,不再成为办公室的「句点王」。
Vocabulary (词汇)
1.busy as a bee(很忙碌,如蜜蜂一样忙得不可开交)
4.think outside the box(跳脱传统思维框架)
5.put(something) into practice(实行)
6.get(something)off the ground(使某事…开始)
7.keep(someone)in the loop(让某人得到相关资讯)
Sample Dialogue(情境范例)
Mark:It’s been a while since the last time we spoke. How have you been?(一阵子没见了,都好吗?)
Sandra:Great, thanks! I’m working on the product launch. Busy as a bee, but I can’t wait for the press conference next month. How about you, Mark?(很好,谢谢。我正在规划推出新产品,忙得不可开交,但我已经等不及下个月的产品发布说明会了。马克,你呢?)
Mark:Our team is developing eco-friendly products. Every meeting has been very innovative and creative. The whole team is thinking outside the box.(我们团队正在开发环保产品,每一场会议都非常具有创新性和创造力,整个团队都在跳脱传统思维框架。)
Sandra:Sounds very interesting! Is the game plan ready?(听起来很有趣!企划方案制定了吗?)
Mark:We already have an idea about how to sell the product, but we have not put it into practice yet. We need to do more research before we can get our project off the ground.(我们已经有了销售产品的点子,但尚未实行。在计画开始前,我们还需要做更多研究。)
Sandra:Keep me in the loop. (有新资讯要跟我说喔。)
Mark:Absolutely! It’s time for lunch. Would you like to grab a quick bite?(那当然!午餐时间到了,要一起用餐吗?)
Sandra:I have a conference to catch in an hour. How about next week?(我一小时后有个会议,下週好吗?)
英文课程谘询请洽:EIE Institute Belle Yin(Tel: (02) 8773-6828 Ext. 368;Email: belle@eie.com.tw)