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02.2023 Group Briefing

Far Eastern Department Stores, Far Eastern Big City Shopping Malls send love to children to realize their dreams

Far Eastern Magazine / Editorial Room
/09(1)        Far Eastern Department Stores attaches importance to public welfare and connects resources to transmit love. The Taoyuan Far Eastern Department Stores cooperated with the Children's Home in the Northern District of the Ministry of Health and Welfare to "make the Christmas wish come true". From November 16 to December 16, 2022, they called on the public to realize the Christmas wish of 99 children, and Jiang Tianzuo, the head of the store, led his colleagues to fill the hearts of the people and hand the gifts to the children.

        The Far Eastern Department Stores in Hsinchu also cooperated with the government of Hsinchu City and other enterprises to hold a voluntary adoption activity for children from vulnerable families. With the participation of the public, a total of 666 children's wishes were completed. Lin Jiarong, deputy store manager representative, attended the ceremony of Hsinchu City Thanksgiving Season on December 17, 2022 to receive awards; In addition, it launched the "Ping Ping An An Qi Send Love" activity to invite the public to subscribe for the apples in Honqian City, Japan, and share them with the vulnerable families in Hsinchu City. At the donation ceremony on December 29, 2022, the 300 apples collected were donated to Luo Yanqing, the section chief of the social department of the government of Hsinchu City, and Hsinchu Fund for Children and Families Shen Junxian Section Chief, and also joined hands with the Yeah Right Food Truck American hamburger dining car, Send the hamburger to the teachers and students of the Kindhearted Children's Home in Hsinchu. In addition to delicious meals, Hsinchu Far Eastern Department Stores specially invited the orchestra of Hsinchu Fuli National Middle School and Panshi High School to play live.

        Coincidentally, Big City Far Eastern Big City Shopping Malls also participated in the "Hisnchu City Thanksgiving Season - Christmas Wish Adoption" activity for the seventh consecutive year. This time, with a total of 13 retail stores and technology companies in the city, they helped nearly 1000 vulnerable children's Christmas wishes come true. The president of Hisnchu City issued a thank-you note, and Liao Mao received the award as the deputy general representative.


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