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09.2023 Group Briefing

Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection, Oriental Securities Corporation, and the Bureau of Investigation have signed a contract to protect against hacker attacks through security joint defense MOU

Far Eastern Magazine / Editorial Room
871d01v3        In response to the rampant fraud groups, Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection and Oriental Securities Corporation signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on July 28 and August 4, respectively, represented by Zhang Yongchang, Executive Director and President, and Dukinson Chairman, with Wu Fumei, Director of the Taipei City Investigation Office of the Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice, and Zhang Yurui, Director of the New Taipei City Investigation Office, Both parties will jointly prevent phishing messages or websites from collecting personal information, and strengthen information security protection by sharing information. Once encountering online attacks, it can play a role in immediate reporting and tracing, helping the public avoid fraud losses.

        Zhang Yongchang, Executive Director and President, stated that Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection provides a personalized service exclusive to car owners, which helps identify fraudulent messages. As long as the message content does not have a car number, it is considered fraudulent and users should not pay attention to it. In addition, Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection has obtained security certifications such as ISO 27001, BS 10012, ISO 22301, and has collaborated with the Bureau of Investigation. Once malicious detection intentions are detected, the Taipei City Investigation Office under its jurisdiction will immediately intervene to achieve immediate prevention of blockages, cracking criminal benefits, as well as early warning, emergency response, and ensuring continuous operation.

        Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection is grateful for the assistance of the professional team of the Taipei Investigation Office. Through the collaboration of public and private departments, intelligence and information are provided in a timely manner, and the horizontal reporting pipeline is smooth and unobstructed. After the occurrence of the Zi'an incident, joint efforts can be made to investigate and quickly identify the hacker group, block attacks from the source, and help improve the speed of response and reduce the damage caused by the incident.

        In addition to complying with the information security requirements of the High Commissioner for Public Security, the Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection also follows the regulations of the A-level authority in charge of information security, and has a 24-hour monitoring mechanism called the 7x24 Security Operation Center to promptly grasp information security risks. Every year, an execution plan is formulated based on the planned strategic blueprint for asset security, keeping up with the times in terms of asset security policies, management, and technology, and strengthening deeper and broader defense capabilities to respond to increasingly severe asset security threats.

        3972801v2        Dukinson Chairman of Oriental Securities Corporation stated that asset security is also known as national security, and for the securities industry, information security is an important task. Oriental Securities Corporation actively establishes various measures such as network defense platforms, email penetration defense, and mobile device threat protection, and identifies network security vulnerabilities and issues through different security aspects, continuously improving and refining to provide investors with a secure and stable digital service environment. This year, ISO 27001 will also be introduced to officially align the company's information security management system with international standards. This collaboration with the public and private departments of the Investigation Bureau demonstrates the company's determination to improve its security protection level. In the future, Oriental Securities Corporation will continue to promote information security culture, implement it in every operational link of the organization, cultivate employees' vigilance, improve risk response ability, and safeguard customer data.


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