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06.2024 Group Briefing

Jiangxi Yadong Cement promotes joint construction and development between villages and enterprises

Jiangxi Yadong Cement / Zhu Qiong
913d01        On May 24th, Jiangxi Yadong Cement teamed up with Shengli Village and Longquan Village in the vicinity of the mining plant to hold a village enterprise joint construction activity. Vice President Yao Yuguo introduced the company's corporate culture, operational status, and social responsibility performance to 30 party branch members who participated. The branch secretaries of the two villages also shared the development changes, progress in life, and future expectations of the villages. The three parties held in-depth discussions on enterprise development, community construction, environmental protection, and party building work. This event not only deepens mutual understanding between enterprises and village groups, but also enhances mutual communication, further promoting the harmonious development of village enterprises.

        After the symposium, village cadres, accompanied by colleagues from Jiangxi Yadong Cement, visited the Oriental Petrochemical (Taiwan) Ecological Park to learn about the company's achievements in green development and ecological protection. They then went to the Energy Management Center of the second factory area to observe the cement production process and the company's modern management model. They praised Jiangxi Yadong Cement's efforts in safety production, intelligent control, energy conservation and emission reduction, and looked forward to the company's future development. Finally, the three parties will jointly visit the Qingshan Red Culture Base in Ruichang City, inspiring the enthusiasm of participants to contribute to the development of enterprises and villages (communities). In the future, everyone will strengthen communication and promote the prosperity and development of the regional economy and society.


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