The English version is AI translated.


2008年11月號 乐活职人


元智大学 / 尤克强



1. 我真受不了你 I just can’t put up with you.
2. 他在香港大肆挥霍 He splashed a big sum in Hong Kong.
3. 他总想占人便宜 He always wants to get the best of others.
4. 他抢得了先机 He drew the first blood.
5. 李小姐真是个老好人 Ms. Lee is really the salt of the earth.
6. 他是他那行的佼佼者 He is a real lulu in his profession.
7. 你最好和他保持距离 You had best keep him at arm’s length.
8. 我们很投缘 We hit it off.
9. 他很难缠 He is a tartar.
10. 他是个大人物 He is a bigwig.
11. 我做起事来笨手笨脚 I am all thumbs at doing things.
12. 她和我情投意合 She is my soul mate.
13. 你真是鸿运当头 You are on the gravy train.
14. 众生平等 A cat may look at a king.
15. 她的嘴巴很甜 She is so honey-lipped.
16. 他是乐天派 He is good-time Charlie.
17. 她是块璞玉 She is a rough diamond.
18. 他喝酒海量 He has a hollow leg.
19. 你在烦恼什麽? What is eating you?
20. 他充耳不闻 He turned a dead ear.
21. 他们难分轩轾 They are neck and neck.
22. 他略胜你一筹 He is a notch above you.
23. 他能化腐朽为神奇 He can turn everything into a fine art.
24. 我的秘书很能干 My secretary has a lot on the ball.
25. 我绞尽脑汁想解决这个问题 I have racked my brain on this problem.
26. 他挑拨离间我们 He is trying to sow discord between us.
27. 你真了不起 You are really something.
28. 我对汽车一窍不通 I don’t know beans about cars.
29. 他以寡敌众 He was outnumbered.
30. 我喜欢单枪匹马 I like to play a lone hand.
31. 他在老板面前很吃得开 He has a big drag with the boss.
32. 我出师不利 I got off on the wrong foot.
33. 我出师大捷 I got off on the right foot.
34. 我怯场了 I got stage fright.
35. 他能言善道 He has the gift of gab.
36. 他被蒙在鼓里 He was kept in the dark.
37. 她的食量很小 She eats like a bird.
38. 我家由太太当家做主 My wife wears the pants in my family.
39. 别坐失良机 Don’t let the chance slip through your fingers.
40. 抓紧这次机会 Jump at such a good chance!
41. 我不会向他们低头的 I wouldn’t say uncle to them.
42. 我找到了学习英语的窍门 I got the hang of learning English.
43. 他有赚大钱的门道 He has the means of making bundles.
44. 她的财运亨通 She has the Midas touch.
45. 他有点石成金的本领 He can turn everything into gold.
46. 我们一开始就占了上风 We gained the upper hand at the beginning.
47. 我没有资格评论 I am not in a position to comment.
48. 我们人虽少,但不甘示弱 We can get as good as we get though we are fewer.
49. 不要相信他的花言巧语 Don’t believe his blarney.
50. 她很容易上当 She is prone to jumping at the bait.


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