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09.2020 Life Guide

Seven steps make it easy for you to apply for housing mortgage

Far Eastern International Bank / Wu Ruimin

        Buying a house is a life event. Because the total price of a house usually costs millions or tens of millions, the general public will choose to apply for a mortgage to reduce the pressure of payment. However, most people do not know how to apply for the loan and what information should be prepared. In fact, as long as you understand the seven steps, related fees and precautions, you can easily master the mortgage process.

        Seven steps of applying for housing loan

        1、 Select banks and housing estimates

        Before formally applying for a loan, you can first ask the salary transfer bank, the main correspondent bank or the housing agency to understand the latest preferential scheme, or according to the percentage, interest rate, monthly payment and binding conditions To evaluate the most suitable project, and then select the bank that meets the needs.

        2、 Application for delivery

        Fill in the bank loan application form and provide the following application documents, that is to formally enter the housing loan application process.

        If the house is jointly held by two or more persons or a guarantor is required, the identity card of each person shall be prepared.

        The proof documents of income or financial capacity of the borrower and the guarantor, such as salary slip, withholding voucher, and transfer passbook of salary in recent half a year; if not for general office workers (such as SOHO family, no salary transfer or fixed income group), supporting documents such as details of passbook, fixed deposit, stock or insurance policy, etc. can be provided.

        Contract of sale.

        3、 Bank valuation

        After receiving the loan application documents, the bank usually sends special personnel to the housing site to take photos, and comprehensively evaluates the housing price according to the location of the house, the surrounding business district, the living function, the number of flats, the age of the house, the building materials, and the facilities it dislikes.

        4、 Bank audit

        The bank reviews the borrowers and guarantors, including the nature of work, source of salary, financial documents, location of real estate and debt ratio (calculating the proportion of all loan expenditures in income). Generally, the debt ratio is less than 60-70%, which can get a relatively high percentage. Taking Shuangbei city's self-use housing as an example, the highest percentage is about 80% If the ratio is greater than 60-70%, the loan to loan ratio is usually reduced by 10-20%.

        In addition to referring to the information provided by the borrower, the bank will also apply to the United credit reference center to inquire about the credit records of the borrower and the guarantor over the years, whether there are other loans, etc., and then conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine the final interest rate, amount, term and other loan conditions.

        5、 Signing counter guarantee

        The relevant conditions approved by the bank will be recorded in the loan contract. The contract will become effective after being signed or sealed by both parties. It is suggested that the borrower can ask for a blank contract from the loan business in advance to understand the contents of the contract in advance. In addition, it is usually agreed to transact contract counter insurance in the bank and open an account at the same time for future appropriation and payment. Therefore, it is necessary to carry ID card, health insurance card and other dual certificates, as well as the original financial proof documents (such as passbook) provided to the bank at that time, for loan business confirmation, so as to complete the signing of insurance process.

        6、 Establishing mortgage

        After signing the counter guarantee, the bank will set up a mortgage, and the "mortgage amount" is 1.2 times of the loan amount. For example, if the loan amount is 10 million yuan, the mortgage setting registration is 12 million yuan, and the mortgage term is up to 30 years.

        7、 Appropriation

        After the mortgage is set, the bank or the proxy will inform the time of allocation, and the bank will also confirm with the customer about the allocation before the allocation. If the seller still has outstanding mortgage, the buyer's Bank will first repay the seller's loan when allocating the loan. After the buyer obtains the first priority mortgage, the borrower can use the remaining loan amount.

        Related expenses

        In the process of housing loan, the buyer (borrower) needs to pay fees and market price, which can be roughly divided into three parts:

        1、 Bank related fees

        Starting expenses: the market price is about 5000-10000 yuan.

        Price evaluation and credit reference fee: some banks will charge a credit inquiry fee, the market price is 300 yuan per person; the price evaluation fee varies according to the difference between banks and collateral. Generally, the price of residential houses is usually assessed by the bank itself, most of which are free of charge. If charged, the market price is about 500-2 yuan, Special items, such as storefront, office and workshop, may be appraised by external appraisal companies. The general price is about 2500-5000 yuan.

        Fire insurance and earthquake insurance expenses: once a year, the insurance amount is calculated according to the replacement cost of the house in principle, and the fire insurance rate is mainly calculated according to the building materials; the insurance amount of earthquake insurance is 1.5 million yuan, and the premium is 1350 yuan.

        2、 Fees related to proxy

        The fee for proxy is usually different due to the size of the firm or the regional market. Taking the case in greater Taipei as an example, the buyer has to pay the following fees:

        Contract fee: About 1000-2000 yuan

        Registration fee for transfer of property rights: take a land number and a building as an example, about 12000-20000 yuan. For each additional land or building, an additional 1000-2000 yuan will be charged.

        Performance guarantee fee: usually 0.6% of the purchase price, half of which shall be borne by both parties, i.e. 3 / 10000.

        Set registration fee: about 4000-6000 yuan

        Real price registration fee: about 2000 yuan

        3、 Government related expenses

        The following are the fees to be paid by the buyer to the government:

        Deed tax: approved contract price (appraisal present value of house) × 6%

        Stamp duty: approved lease price (present value of House + present value of land announcement) × 0.1%

        Land administration registration fee: (total present value of buildings + total declared land price) × 0.1%

        Charge for mortgage setting: amount of bank loan × 0.1%

        matters needing attention

        1、 Provisions on "early payment of liquidated damages"

        This is the mortgage binding clause, which is usually set for 2-3 years. Some banks will charge liquidated damages for early repayment of some or all of the loan amount, while others, like Far Eastern International Bank, allow the borrower to repay part or all of the loan amount at any time during the "restricted liquidation period", as long as the collateral mortgage is not obliterated, and there is no need to pay liquidated damages for early repayment.

        I would like to remind you that although some mortgage projects offer lower preferential interest rates, they also attach binding terms. We must first consider whether there is a demand for prepayment, so as not to save interest but pay liquidated damages.

        2、 On the choice of mortgage term

        At present, the longest term of housing loan of various banks is about 20-30 years, and a few banks have extended it to 40 years. In the early stage of buying the first house, the ordinary people want to pay less for the down payment, decoration, even marriage and child-bearing. They usually choose a longer loan term, but they also pay more interest.

        Take the loan of 10 million yuan and the interest rate of 1.5%, for example, the monthly payment of 30-year mortgage is 34512 yuan, which is 13743 yuan less than that of 20-year loan, which is much easier; but the total interest amount paid in 30 years is 242411 yuan, which is 843051 yuan more than that of 20-year loan, which is not a small amount. therefore

        When applying for a loan, you should measure your ability to pay. If you are under greater pressure, you can first apply for a longer period of time. When your salary grows over time or you have wealth ability, you can apply to the bank for an increase in monthly payment to accelerate repayment.

        Finally, I remind you that in addition to buying a house, you can make loans, if you have other capital needs (such as: studying abroad for further study, company operation turnover, personal investment and financing It is suggested that when applying for a general housing loan (sharing the principal and interest), a revolving loan line may be used. When there is a temporary demand for funds, it is not necessary to apply for a new loan from the bank, you can use the limit at any time from ATM, Internet banking or Bank temporary counter, which not only saves the start-up costs, setting fees and other expenses, but also saves the time of the application process, so as to master it immediately Investment opportunities, so that the use of funds more flexible.

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