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05.2023 Cover Story

Far Eastern New Century Corporation is committed to practicing diversity, equality, and integration

Far Eastern New Century Corporation / Feng Qiyin
        Far Eastern New Century Corporation has been protecting and supporting employees and maintaining the competitiveness of the company with various practical actions for a long time. The first labor rights issue in production sites around the world includes salary level, diversity and equality, maternal protection and talent development. In addition to assisting employees in understanding the company's future direction and sharing performance results with colleagues, we also continue to prioritize the physical and mental health of our colleagues as an important management issue, and actively develop a Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) culture, with the goal of becoming a model enterprise for Sustainability Development.

        Cultivating sustainable talents

        06-3-w        In terms of human capital investment, Far Eastern New Century Corporation adopts the concept of "delving deeply into Taiwan and looking globally" as a talent cultivation strategy for 22000 employees worldwide. Through the establishment of a global talent development database, in addition to meeting the expansion needs of overseas bases, it is also possible to develop a global rotation system, avoid talent gaps, and cultivate more outstanding colleagues with an international perspective. At the same time, we will promote the digital inheritance system of internal knowledge, self-made 42 courses, and uploaded them to the cloud learning platform, passing on the company's unique industrial knowledge and technology to employees. Given that excellent talents are the key to a company's success, Far Eastern New Century Corporation has established a strong talent team. The training focus for 2022 includes digital transformation, international talent cultivation, and sustainable business inheritance and development.

        The latest employee satisfaction survey result of Far Eastern New Century Corporation was 86.8%, an increase of 2.4% compared to the previous period. Among them, 91% of colleagues are proud of working in the company, and 87% are willing to promote the employer brand. In 2022, he was awarded the HR Asia Best Corporate Employer for the second time and the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Award for the fifth time, highlighting the recognition of Far Eastern New Century Corporation's employer brand among employees.

        Strengthening human rights policies and human rights due diligence

        06-2-w        In view of the increasing international attention to human rights protection issues, Far Eastern New Century Corporation launched a human rights management project in February 2022. In addition to expanding the scope of human rights policies, it also established a complaint mechanism and local community negotiation policies, hoping to expand the depth and breadth of issue management through feedback from stakeholders. In May 2022, Far Eastern New Century Corporation conducted another annual human rights risk due diligence, entrusting external consultants to search and compile relevant information through public channels, and distributing risk survey questionnaires to three types of stakeholders: employees, suppliers, and community residents; After combining various types of information, 7 important issues were identified, and future impact assessments were conducted for each issue. Corresponding risk mitigation and remedial measures were developed, while multiple quantitative management goals were set.

        In terms of management practice, Far Eastern New Century Corporation provides comprehensive education and training on human rights management processes for management, procurement personnel, public relations departments, and other objects. In 2022, 90% of its formal employees received anti-corruption education and training, and more than 80% of external suppliers have completed the signing of supplier social responsibility commitments, indicating the company's importance to the sustainability of human rights. In 2022, there were no human rights related appeals or violations of the human rights commitments of employees and all stakeholders. In the future, we will continue to deepen our efforts on human rights issues from the inside out.

        Creating a diverse and equal workplace

        06-5-w        Far Eastern Apparel (Vietnam) customer prAna is the first ready-made clothing brand to obtain Fair Trade Certified USA (FTC USA) certification in the United States, which ensures that brand owners purchase goods from suppliers at fair prices. Suppliers must comply with International Labour Organization regulations, strictly adhere to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, and ensure that employees earn fair wages and have a safe working environment, And protect the natural environment during the operation process. Far Eastern Apparel (Vietnam) became a ready-to-wear manufacturer certified by prAna FTC USA in 2020. PRAna allocated 0.5-2% of the products sold from our company as a reward, which was handed over to an organization established by employees in the factory to jointly decide how to use them. In 2022, Far Eastern Apparel (Vietnam) received a reward of NTD4.45 million, an increase of 3.7 times compared to the previous year. In addition to providing financial and health support for employees during the epidemic, it was also used as a cost for employee fun activities. The "Full Moon Festival" event was held on the occasion of the Mid Autumn Festival, with the participation of families to help family members understand their work environment and become an important spiritual pillar for employees. A total of 3093 people participated in this event, Nearly 1200 of them are children.

        Expanding Social Influence and Promoting Social Inclusion

        Far Eastern New Century Corporation has long been in harmony with residents around its operating sites, actively interacting with community organizations, and providing resources, such as lending venues for community gatherings or fire drills, assisting in cleaning the environment on campus and neighborhoods, assisting vulnerable populations, and carrying out beach cleaning activities; In addition, based on the core competencies of the industry, we promote the concept of green environmental protection and recycling to the public, raise public awareness of environmental protection, and provide environmental education.

        In 2022, various factories participated in multiple community activities, such as Far Eastern New Century Corporation, which designed an environmental education curriculum suitable for senior elementary school students with the theme of "recycled economy". Starting from 2023, free to school courses will be promoted in schools near production bases in Taiwan; Oriental Petrochemical (Taiwan) collaborates with the Vulnerable Environmental Education Promotion Association to visit vulnerable families in Kuanyin District and provide care supplies; Far Eastern Apparel (Vietnam) supports a total of 424 children in two orphanages, including orphans, families with special difficulties, and children from ethnic minorities; APG Polytech employees in the United States donate meals to families in need during Thanksgiving. In 2022, a total of NTD11 billion was invested in various public welfare activities, including:

        1. Far Eastern Polytex (Vietnam) invited to participate in the AEON The World Environmental Date Event

        Far Eastern Polytex (Vietnam) has signed a partnership with AEON Group Vietnam (AEON) to recycle PET bottles. The recycled PET bottles from AEON will be converted into high-quality recycled polyester, which will be used in the manufacturing of new products. They will also be invited to participate in the World Environmental Date Event held by AEON in May 2022. Through speeches, mini games, exhibition booths, and on-site public interactions, the recycling and reproduction process of PET bottles will be conveyed, including the recycling and reproduction process The company's knowledge of recycling technology and other technologies has spread the seeds of recycling through environmental education, attracting nearly 10000 people to participate in the event, and a total of 21380 bottles have been recycled.

        2. Host Far Eastern New Century Corporation Classic Marathon and Charity Fundraising

        The 'Far Eastern New Century Corporation Classic Marathon', which entered its 13th year, was held on October 29, 2022 at the Xinpu Chemical Fiber Factory. Despite the strong winds, runners still showed enthusiasm. In addition to advocating for health, Far Eastern New Century Corporation also collaborates with the Xinpu Huashan Foundation, a caring group in Xinpu Town, to launch public welfare fundraising to take care of the elderly in the area. They also organize special garden fairs, sell local agricultural specialties and Hakka cuisine, provide runners with diverse dietary supplement options, and promote local specialty cuisine. Running clothes revolve around three design elements: clean taste, dryness, and sustainability, using F2F fabric to recycle polyester fibers as raw materials, achieving an environmentally friendly concept of sustainable circulation.

                3. Far Eastern Group Sky Farm donated by Far Eastern Industry (Wuxi) to Wuxi Children's Welfare Home

        Yuanfang Industry (Wuxi) donated a Sky Farm on the top floor of the teaching building of Wuxi Children's Welfare Institute in 2022, hoping to provide children in the welfare institution with a place to get close to nature, cultivate vegetables and fruits, and experience agricultural culture. After more than two months of hard work by design and construction personnel, overcoming difficulties such as the epidemic and high temperatures, the project was officially completed on September 8th.

        4. Far Eastern New Century Corporation collaborates with supermarkets to promote recycled economy recycling systems

        In 2022, Far Eastern New Century Corporation, along with Uni Supermarket 7-ELEVEN and Uni Packaging, exclusively promoted the "recycled economy resource recycling machine" in the North District. Through Uni Packaging, a Baote bottle recycling machine was built in the 7-ELEVEN store to recycle discarded Baote bottles used by the public, and then through Far Eastern New Century Corporation's one-stop recycling system, including exclusive technologies such as sorting, cleaning, decontamination, and viscosity improvement, Produce recycled polyester (rPET) and apply it to 7-ELEVEN store environmentally friendly uniforms and other products, building a sustainable green and sustainable ecosystem.

        Far Eastern New Century Corporation is a leader in polyester fiber spinning materials and recycling industry. Looking forward to the future, in addition to regularly reviewing the corporate vision, formulating short, medium and long-term goals, continuously improving various sustainable projects, expanding social influence, and creating higher value for stakeholders, the enterprise still does not forget to give back to the society while operating, and sets an enterprise model.


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