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05.2023 Cover Story

Far Eastern Department Stores Collaborate with the Public to Create a Better Life through 'Sustainability'

Far Eastern Department Stores / Nancy Hsu President
10-1-a        Far Eastern Department Stores has entered its 56th year of establishment and has been operating for over half a century, constantly keeping up with the times, innovating and growing, creating sustainable value from the inside out, creating a win-win sustainable growth equation for the environment (E), society (S), and economy (G), laying the foundation for sustainable business operations, and creating a benchmark for the sustainable operation of the department store industry. In 2022, it was awarded the top 10 global department stores with the best performance in promoting sustainable activities by the World Department Store Alliance (IGDS), becoming the first department store in Taiwan to receive this honor and ranking among the top 10 global sustainable department stores.

        A sustainable culture with feedback as its value

        10-3-a        As the department store with the longest history, the widest operating base, the most localized, and the most continuous transformation in Taiwan, Far Eastern Department Stores regards "feedback" as the fundamental value of enterprise sustainability development. In the process of pursuing growth, it exerts its core capabilities, builds a platform for stakeholder dialogue, and adheres to the spirit of "thinking globally, acting locally", Connect the 17 United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) and the 18 Taiwan Sustainability Development Goals, implement various sustainable localization actions, and contribute to the economic, environmental, and social sustainability development through specific practical results.

        In order to deepen the corporate sustainability culture, encourage employees to identify with the spirit of "sustainability", and turn "sustainability" into daily work, Far Eastern Department Stores has set up a corporate sustainability image wall in the office environment, showcasing ESG's sustainable action direction and management achievements, reminding employees to always use sustainable thinking, implement sustainable operation and sustainable growth, Achieve the vision of 'Sustain for a Good Life'.

        Feedback to shareholders: improving profitability and innovating operational performance records

        Far Eastern Department Stores delves into exhibition stores across Taiwan and currently has 12 business locations in 10 cities, providing one-stop shopping services from north to south and from west to east, connecting consumers with a sustainable and beautiful life network. In 2022, with the easing of the epidemic and the gradual return of people's lives to normal, consumers also returned to physical channel consumption. Driven by the rebound in visitor numbers and market activity, coupled with the successful exhibition of Far Eastern Department Stores in Zhubei, Far Eastern Department Stores achieved a revenue exceeding NTD 50 billion level in 2022, reaching NTD 58.27 billion, with operating profits of NTD 24.3 billion, both showing growth of over 20% and outstanding performance, Set a new historical peak and continue to create maximum value for shareholders.

        Feedback to customers: Satisfy consumer experience and create innovative benchmark shopping malls

        With the change in consumer behavior, Far Eastern Department Stores is also adapting to the trend of the times, constantly seeking innovation and change, and creating a virtual and real retail environment that meets consumer needs. The latest fifth generation store is Taiwan's first experiential department store, which not only has the characteristics of the previous four generations of stores, but also creates five major business models such as "themed architecture, situational design, local business types, exclusive brands, and digital marketing", providing a more comfortable, fun, and convenient shopping experience.

        As the fifth generation stores, Far Eastern Department Stores Xinyi A13 and Far Eastern Department Stores Zhubei Branch have successfully attracted crowds through the above five business models. The newly operated Zhubei store opened grandly on January 11, 2023, with an unprecedented scene. In addition to adding new vitality to the expansion of retail layout for Far Eastern Department Stores, its unique round building design, Hakka ancient houses and old street landscaping, spectacular dome sky, and meticulous "hospitable ceiling" pattern totem, coupled with characteristic catering and charming brands, have attracted high attention and created market topics during the trial operation stage, It also opened a new chapter for the business structure of Taiwan's department store industry.

        Feedback to employees: diverse and inclusive, establishing a healthy and happy workplace

        10-4-a        Far Eastern Department Stores has nearly 1400 employees, respecting the diversity of each employee, promoting management measures such as gender equality, equal pay for equal work, eliminating discrimination, and promoting health, creating an equal, diverse, and inclusive workplace environment, allowing employees to work with peace of mind in a supportive environment, bringing a positive attitude into business activities, and demonstrating the best service quality and work efficiency.

        Especially in promoting the healthy workplace, Far Eastern Department Stores has been implementing the "Employee Health UP" promotion program for four consecutive years, becoming a good partner in employee health management. In 2022, on-site physician services will be established to provide health consultation for 416 employees; Arrange influenza vaccine delivery services, with 200 employees participating; Release 96 popular health news items to remind employees to pay attention to their health; At the same time, we also encourage employees to establish diversified clubs such as sports types. Currently, there are 85 club members, and through these health promotion care actions, we help employees balance work and life.

        Giving back to society: Caring for society, the department store with the most public welfare activities

        Far Eastern Department Stores implements the concept of corporate feedback to society, connecting resources from various sectors such as consumers, counter manufacturers, and local governments. It has created 12 business bases distributed throughout Taiwan as a local "public welfare platform". In 2022, 783 public welfare activities such as vulnerable assistance, maternal and child care, and environmental protection will be held to help those in need and fulfill corporate social responsibility.

        Caring for Rural Areas School Children through Christmas Public Welfare Lighting

        For 14 consecutive years, Tainan Far Eastern Department Stores has held a Christmas charity lighting event, inviting rural area students to celebrate the holiday together. So far, nearly 3000 students have participated in the event. In 2022, the Lantern Festival collaborated with the Tainan Indigenous Affairs Committee to create the only indigenous style Christmas tree in Taiwan using Taiwanese indigenous totems, attracting over 500 people to participate. Under the warm Christmas lights, 360 pairs of sports shoes and other charity gifts collected from various sources were presented to indigenous children in 11 elementary schools.

                Holding Blood Donation Activities to Warm and Help Society

        Far Eastern Department Stores has long held blood donation activities, and each branch takes advantage of the holiday and other crowds to jointly organize blood donation activities with local blood donation centers, inviting the public to join hands to donate blood and help solve the problem of blood shortage in blood banks. Among them, the Far Eastern Department Stores in Kaohsiung has been planning the "Lovers Love Blood Donation Activity" for 5 consecutive years, inviting everyone to join hands with their partners on the annual Valentine's Day to "donate blood to help others", which has received enthusiastic participation from the public. In the past four years, Far Eastern Department Stores has held a total of 218 blood donation events, raising over 10.6 million CC of blood.

        Far Eastern Department Stores' Love Chain Employee Log Worker Service

        Far Eastern Department Stores uses "Love Chain" as a horn to participate in public welfare activities, and employees of each branch also spontaneously form volunteer teams to provide services such as assisting vulnerable groups, accompanying children, visiting the elderly, and environmental protection beach cleaning. Over the past four years, a total of 142 volunteer activities have been held, with 3175 service hours. We have personally engaged in public welfare and connected a better life with love.

        Starting from sustainability to create a better life

        Mastering environmental changes and keeping up with the times through innovation, change, and transformation is an important foundation for the sustainable operation of Far Eastern Department Stores. From the first generation store to the fifth generation store, each generation of Far Eastern Department Stores takes "sustainability as the starting point" and continuously injects innovative elements into its operating model, transforming traditional department stores into a new type of mall that combines shopping, catering, leisure, and entertainment. Starting from space and service, it creates a meaningful and sustainable shopping experience for consumers.

        Enterprises face challenges from all levels in their operations. The more challenging and turbulent the external environment, the more resilient they can be and cultivate new abilities to adapt to the environment. Far Eastern Department Stores adheres to the concept of sustainable operation. In addition to valuing the opinions of stakeholders and implementing ESG's promotion and management, they also flexibly adjust various operational strategies and directions with changes in the environment, and anticipate potential problems in advance. They transform hidden dangers into business opportunities, create more opportunities and choices for enterprise sustainability development, and enhance the sustainable value of the enterprise, Join hands with the general public to move towards a sustainable and beautiful life.


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