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06.2024 Group Briefing

Far Eastern International Bank showcases the spirit of Ten Joys and invites cardholders to donate micro insurance together

Far Eastern International Bank / Zhu Jialin
909e0102        In response to the United Nations Sustainability Development goals, Far Eastern International Bank is committed to promoting multiple sustainable public welfare activities and actively responding to the Financial Supervision Commission's inclusive finance and micro insurance policies. For many years, it has donated micro insurance premiums to local governments, extending the reach of financial care to vulnerable populations, hoping to become the warmest and strongest support for countless families. In order to continue to unleash the power of kindness, from today until May 22nd, cardholders of "Far Eastern International Bank Lejia+Credit Card" will use their cards for general consumption during the event period. Far Eastern International Bank will allocate 3 ‰ of the card swiping amount as a donation to the "Yunlin County Social Welfare Workers Association" to purchase Kaiji Life's micro insurance products, gather cardholders' love and work together for public welfare, and establish a more stable economic safety net.

        Thomas Chou President stated that insurance planning is an indispensable part of life and financial management. In order to provide more protection and support for financially disadvantaged groups, Far Eastern International Bank has actively donated to local governments for many years. Through micro insurance, it provides basic insurance protection for financially disadvantaged groups such as those with physical and mental disabilities or low to medium income, in order to enhance their risk resistance ability. It also aligns with the sustainable spirit of "Leyi" public welfare in the core values of wealth management "Far Eastern International Bank's Ten Joys", and warms up the protection of vulnerable groups.

        In addition, Far Eastern International Bank has actively shared many high-quality videos related to market trends and enhancing lifestyle taste through the social media "Little Yuan Wins" YouTube channel in recent years, allowing audiences to establish investment and financial concepts while enriching their lives. This year, it has also launched a new "Ten Joys, No Setting Forward Life" Podcast channel, providing more practical financial science information and financial management strategies, hoping to use diverse promotional media to achieve the goal of inclusive finance.


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