2021年10月號 樂活職人
EIE美語 / 提供
Sample Dialogue(情境範例)
A:Good afternoon, Sir/Madam. Please scan the QR code before coming into the building.(早安,您好。請先掃描實聯制條碼,再進入大樓。)
B:OK, I’m finished with the contact tracing.(好的,我已經完成實聯登記了。)
A:I will just take your temperature… OK. 36.5 degrees.(我幫您測量體溫…好了,36.5 度。)
B:Alright. Thanks.(好,謝謝。)
A:Do you have any symptoms right now? (您有任何不舒服的症狀嗎?)
B:I have been in quarantine for 3 weeks. But I have a cold.(我自主隔離已經3周,目前有點感冒。)
A:You need to take some precautions while you’re sick. Be sure to always wash your hands and keep your distance from others.(當你生病時,應當採取一些預防措施。請務必洗手並與他人保持距離。)
B:I’ll be sure to do that. Thanks.(我一定會做到。謝謝。)
A:Also, please keep your mask on while you visit people in the building. (另外,拜訪大樓內的人員時,請配合配戴口罩。)
Vocabulary (詞彙)
- COVID-19(新冠病毒)
He tested positive/negative for COVID-19.(他新冠篩檢呈陽性/陰性。)
- Outbreak(爆發)
Her son’s school had an outbreak of COVID-19 a few months ago.(他兒子的學校前幾個月爆發過新冠病毒感染事件。)
- Symptom(症狀)
COVID-19 is like the flu, but it has other strange symptoms like the loss of taste and smell.(新冠病毒像流感一樣,但它有其他奇特的症狀,例如喪失嗅覺和味覺。)
- scan the QR code(掃描QR code)
Please simply use your camera or the code scanner to scan the QR code for contact tracing before entering.(請在進入之前使用您的相機或代碼掃描儀掃描QR Code,完成實聯制登錄。)
- contact tracing(接觸者追蹤/實聯制)
Contact tracing is an important part of stopping the spread of COVID-19.(接觸者追蹤是阻斷COVID-19病毒蔓延很重要的一部分。)
- Measure(測量/措施)
The best preventive measures include wearing a mask, keeping social distance, and washing hands often.(最佳的防疫措施包括戴口罩、保持社交距離,以及勤洗手。)
以上英文教學由EIE美語提供,英文課程諮詢請洽:EIE Institute Belle Yin(Tel: (02) 8773-6828 Ext. 368;Email: belle@eie.com.tw)