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2019年08月號 人事动态

2018世界大学学术排名 元智大学财金领域获全球前200大

元智大学 / 饶浩文

  根据2018年世界大学学术排名(Academic Ranking of World Universities)调查,元智大学财金领域表现亮眼,荣获全球前200名,为全台湾排名第三。

  元智大学财金学群召集人吴志强教授表示,元智财金领域过去有许多丰硕成果, 2005年Pacific-Basin Finance Journal研究结果指出,元智大学在亚太地区财金领域学术排名第24名(全台第5名)。国内研究调查部份,2006年「证券市场发展季刊」探讨台湾各大学院校在国际核心财务期刊的研究表现,元智排名全台第3名;2011年「财务金融学刊」调查,元智则排名全台第4名。2017与2018年皆进入世界大学前200名,不但延续优良传统,也展现出元智财金的国际竞争力。#

YZU ranks the top 200 in financial fields of ARWU and 3rd place in Taiwan
Yuan Ze University has ranked one of the best 200 universities in the world and number three in Taiwan according to 2018 university ranking lists of Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU).

Chih-Chiang Wu, Professor & Director of Finance, said that YZU has many achievements in financial fields such as ranking at 24th place in academic ranking of financial fields in Asia-Pacific.  YZU has had outstanding ranking performance in national researches and surveys: the 3rd place in Review of Securities and Futures Markets in 2006 about Contributions to International Finance Journals by Taiwanese Universities and Colleges; the 4th place in the survey of Journal of Financial Studies.  Now YZU not only has been ranked among the world's top 200 universities for two years (2017 and 2018), and the third place in Taiwan which shows the school’s international competitiveness of finance.#

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