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03.2019 Life Guide

The ancient taste of festival—Traditional Cake DIY

Yu-Chang Technical Commercial Vocational High School / Wang Shuyi

        Following tradition and present, cake is not only a living food, but also a cultural connotation. It is often used in sacrifices, blessings, festivals, year-old ceremonies and life customs, and also represents the characteristics of different places. This issue "Gourmet Column" will introduce the history of cakes by Yu-Chang Technical Commercial Vocational High School Food Teacher, and teach the recipe of making cakes. When preparing for the festival worship offerings this year, you may as well try to show sincerity by baking cakes at home!

        The Origin of Cakes
         The history of cake originated in the three kingdoms. After Zhuge Liang captured Meng, he was unable to cross Lushui. Because he could not bear to sacrifice his life to worship the river god, he ordered that the filling made of beef and mutton be wrapped in flour to make 49 flour heads, known as "barbarian heads", which were used as offerings to worship the ghost of Lushui and eventually returned to the dynasty safely. This was the predecessor of "steamed bread". In order that Sun Quan could not repent of Liu Bei's marriage to his sister, he ordered people to make cakes and distribute them to the soldiers and civilians of Dongwu. He spread the news of the marriage and forced Sun Quan to make a real play. Later, local people began to imitate the custom of giving cakes before marriage, so the cake makers regarded Zhuge Liang as the grandfather of cakes.

        Know the ingredients of cakes
         China has a vast territory. Because of the climate, wheat is abundant in the north, rice is abundant in the south, and wheat can be ground into flour to make moon cakes and happy cakes. Rice can be made into rice products to make various cakes. Therefore, the combination of "cake" and "cake" has developed various "cakes" with different shapes and tastes.
         In addition to the main material-flour or rice, sugar, oil, eggs and water are indispensable materials for making cakes. Through the overlapping of sugar, oil mixing, production techniques and multiple fillings, the taste and appearance of cakes can be varied. Now let's make "suncakes" filled with maltose and "wife cakes" filled with wax gourd sugar and cake powder. We can use these two kinds of cakes with different fillings and flavors to taste the traditional good taste.

        1. Suncakes (20 copies)

Oil skin:Medium gluten flour 346 grams, lard 139 grams, granulated sugar 35 grams, water 173 grams
         Crisp:240 grams of low gluten flour and 108 grams of lard
         Inside filling:165 grams of sugar powder, 41 grams of maltose, 41 grams of butter, 12 grams of water, 83 grams of low gluten flour and 4 grams of salt


1. Mix all the oily materials and knead them into a smooth dough, then let the dough relax.
         2. Mix the crispy into a ball without powder.
         3. Dip your hands with a little butter and pull the maltose out of the filling to soften it. Then mix all the ingredients into a sugar filling.
         4. Divide the dough into 33 grams, the pastry into 16 grams and the filling into 16 grams.
         5. After wrapping the pastry into the oil skin, do the first rolling, then roll it up for relaxation; then roll it up again for relaxation; then roll the dough into a circle, wrap it in the sugar filling, close the mouth, press the cake flat and large with the palm of your hand.
         6. Turn the oven temperature to 200 degrees Celsius and 200 degrees Celsius. Bake for about 10 minutes first. Turn off the oven and bake for 8 minutes, then color the bottom.

        2. Wife's Cake (20 copies)

Oil skin:220 grams of medium gluten flour, 88 grams of lard, 44 grams of granulated sugar and 110 grams of water
         Crisp:160 grams of low gluten flour and 72 grams of lard
         Inside filling:274 grams of sugar powder, wax gourd sugar, 274 grams, 100 grams of fat, 57 grams of lard, 23 grams of white sesame, 2 grams of salt, 57 grams of water and 137 grams of pastry powder


        1. Mix all the oily materials and knead them into a smooth dough, then let the dough relax.
         2. Mix the crispy into a ball without powder.
         3. Cut the sugar of wax gourd into small pieces, roast the white sesame, and mix all the ingredients into a ball.
         4. Divide the crust into 22 grams, the pastry into 11 grams and the filling into 44 grams.
         5. After wrapping the pastry into the oil skin, do the first rolling, then roll it up until it relaxes; then roll it up for the second rolling, again until it relaxes. Then roll the dough into a circle, wrap it in the filling, close the mouth, press the cake flat and big with the palm, finally insert a hole in the surface and brush the yolk liquid twice.
         6. Turn the oven temperature to 190 ~C and 160 ~C, and bake for about 35 minutes.
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