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11.2019 Group Briefing

Tainan Far Eastern Department Store supports the local agricultural and fishery products.Chanos Week was launched for the first time at Tainan Agricultural Specialty Fair

Far Eastern Department Store / Wang yongchan
        In order to support the local agricultural and fishery products, on September 20, Taiwan's Far Eastern Department Store, Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Tainan, together with the Tainan Municipal government, the Fishery Department of the Agricultural Committee and the Nanxian district fishery association, jointly organized the activities of "Tainan lice food marketing and promotion and the lice eye week of Tainan Shangqing agricultural specialty exhibition". Mayor Huang weizhe and the deputy director of Lin Guoping of the Fisheries Department also attended in person and invited the public to Taiwan South to taste the most appropriate lice fish cuisine.

Mayor Huang weizhe of Tainan City said that Tainan is the hometown of lice, and the cultivation area, output and output value are all the first in Taiwan, and the cultivation of lice in Tainan has been more than 300 years. For local people, lice have been deeply integrated into life, and the traditional snacks derived from lice are the complete utilization of the whole fish. There are delicacies cooked by lice in the streets and alleys. In order to promote good food products to Taiwan, Tainan Municipal government actively expands production and marketing channels, and thanks Tainan Far Eastern Department Store for supporting food products of the current season in Fucheng. From September 20 to 22, a lice week fishery product sales activity was held to promote high-quality aquatic products to people in the metropolitan area.

In addition, Far Eastern Plaza Hotel and Tainan also enthusiastically responded to the "Tainan louse food" activity. Executive chef Huang Yinren from Malaysia, chef Ye Jianwen from Hong Kong and chef Wang Mingshun from Taiwan strictly selected the local quality to ensure louse eyefish and combine it with the autumn harvest water chestnut creativity into the dish. Through the chef's ingenious thinking, Tainan's famous specialty delicacy was put on the table, and the "autumn @ good food. Louse food good" was launched. Creative cuisine, with the unique cooking techniques of the international chef's hometown, brings innovative flavor to the guests Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Tainan, said: from October 1 to 6, the buffet restaurant of "Far Eastern Group caf é" served food in turn every day. In addition, the Chinese restaurant of the Hotel "zuiyue building" also provided a variety of "louse food Linghao" single points from October 1 to 30, including the homemade minced pepper louse tripe, lotus flower louse skin water chestnut roll, watermelon louse Soup, steamed dumplings with scallop and lice, stewed duck with water chestnut, lion's head with water chestnut in Qingdun, bamboo charcoal water chestnut crispy, etc. let guests taste the seasonal cuisine in time, and the accommodation guests can enjoy 10% discount for dinner.

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