The English version is AI translated.


07.2022 Story

The fragrance of books is better than that of flowers

Jiang Xi Yadong cement / Luo Lifang
        Shakespeare said: books are the nutrition of the world. Life without books is like sunshine, and wisdom without books is like birds without wings. Reading is a journey of soul freedom, which makes the monotonous life rich and colorful. As I grow older, my interest in reading becomes stronger and stronger. Reading has become a habit for me. It is not only enjoyment, but also spiritual food.

        Some people say: in this era of short videos, Tiktok and information explosion, is it still necessary to read? My answer is: very necessary. Reading can make people from all kinds of disturbing information, create a place of peace of mind, and communicate with the soul. Through reading, you will be surprised to find that all the problems encountered in life can be answered, and then understood, warmed and cured.

        Long Yingtai's "everlasting: a letter to Meijun" taught me that I should cherish every time with my parents. Because: people go, tea is cold, fate dies, and life never waits. The gathering of life, there is a quota, the dispersion of life, there is a schedule, you can't force it, and you can't postpone it; Maugham's moon and Sixpence tells me that life is not only about the present, but also poetry and distance. "On the street full of sixpence, he looked up and saw the moon"; "Ordinary world" let me understand the importance of being down-to-earth and the greatness of ordinary. Mr. Lu Yao said, "I'm used to being shocked by the king and covering my eyes for heroes, but I forget that each of us belongs to the ordinary, to the ordinary world.".

        After being a parent, in order to better educate my children and find common topics with them, I study and grow all the way, which only books can give. For countless days, I have tasted the beauty of ancient poetry with my children: Li Bai's romance, Su Shi's boldness, Xin Qiji's sorrow and anger; Feel the 3000 year history of China with Sima Qian's "historical records". Every soul stirring story and every living character are on the paper, and their hearts have experienced ups and downs. The experiences of the characters in these books will inspire us to resist difficulties and move forward bravely when we are in trouble.

        Reading again and again is like planting seeds in your heart. When you face pressure, confusion, joy and other inadvertent moments, this seed that silently takes root in the bottom of your heart will produce strength and courage, making people feel peaceful.

        Reading makes growth powerful; Life is wonderful because of reading. I hope that we can all take books as our teachers, meet friends with books, and be accompanied by books, so as to form the habit of "reading more, loving reading, reading good books, and being good at reading", so as to make reading fun and enrich every day of life.


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