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06.2023 Group Briefing

Far Eastern Department Stores do public welfare and care to illuminate the corners of society

Far Eastern Department Stores / Ye Chunyi, Xu Yunqian, Zhang Weizhi, Zheng Minhui
20233941901B        In April, Far Eastern Department Stores launched a series of public welfare activities: On April 2nd, Far Eastern Department Stores in Hsinchu held a "Donating Hot Blood to Share Love" event, raising a total of 106 bags of hot blood. The science experience camp, which was held on April 2nd and April 4th, invited Professor Dai Mingfeng from National Tsing Hua University to lead children to draw pictures or operate small circuit boards to explore the mysteries of science, And feel the sense of achievement of 3D draftsmen and engineers. On April 9th, a visually impaired masseur from the Hsinchu City Association for Visual Impairment Growth was invited to provide shoulder and neck massage services, showcasing their work abilities to the public.

        20233941902B        On the other hand, the "2023 Korean Spring Season Cultural Products Exhibition" of Taichung City Far Eastern Department Stores opened grandly on March 23, with a special donation of a batch of Korean food to the Taichung City Love Home Maria Social Welfare Foundation. Banqiao Far Eastern Department Stores also played a comprehensive role in the group, and on April 17th, they collaborated with Oriental Securities Corporation to hold the "Speak Up for Blood Donation" event, calling on the public to participate with enthusiasm. In Kaohsiung, Far Eastern Department Stores teamed up with Fang Shifu's Dim sum shop to form a one-day action volunteer to celebrate the afternoon with more than 60 children from the South District Children's Home of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. In preparation for World Reading Day on April 23rd, Zhubei Branch held a "Book Sending Love Charity Activity" from March 24th to April 17th, collecting over 1000 children's books as gifts to the Hsinchu Fund for Children and Families.


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