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10.2023 Life Guide

Heart failure, no heartburn, rehabilitation can help

Far Eastern Memorial Hospital Rehabilitation Department / Wu Liuqiang Physical Therapist
3984001        Heart failure refers to a condition in which a person experiences difficulty breathing during physical activity (exercise induced breathing difficulties) and fatigue. Recent studies have shown that the incidence rate of heart failure has slightly decreased by 10-20% in the population aged 55 years or older, but increased by about 4% in the population aged 44 years or younger. This change may be related to lifestyle or disease risk factors. How to treat symptoms of heart failure in family, friends, or oneself? What should I pay attention to after discharge? This issue of 'Health Column' will answer your questions.

                The most common medical behaviors in the first year after heart failure include emergency treatment, readmission, and medication treatment. Further analysis of the reasons for hospitalization revealed that approximately two-thirds were caused by non heart failure and non cardiovascular related factors. According to statistics, the total mortality rate during hospitalization is 8.5%, while the mortality rate after discharge increases over time, with rates of 22.5%, 33.9%, and 42.8% in the first three years, respectively. Among them, non cardiovascular related factors account for nearly 60% of the total deaths, highlighting the need for comprehensive treatment and care for patients with heart failure.

        The members of the Far Eastern Memorial Hospital heart failure team, in addition to cardiologists, also include case managers, pharmacists, caregivers, physical therapists, and nutritionists, providing comprehensive treatment and care plans. During hospitalization, patients may experience limitations in their functional activities due to symptoms of discomfort, such as wheezing or fatigue when getting out of bed or walking. At this time, a rehabilitation physical therapist must go to the bedside to provide cardiac rehabilitation and assist the patient in gradually recovering.

        In addition to receiving cardiac rehabilitation in the hospital, it is recommended that patients continue to return for a "second phase of cardiac rehabilitation" after discharge. The heart failure team can provide personalized exercise prescriptions, allowing patients to monitor vital signs with physiological monitors accompanied by physical therapists. The safe execution includes treatment such as aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, and soft exercise, with gradual training to improve their cardiopulmonary endurance Reduce the recurrence rate, readmission rate, and mortality rate of heart failure symptoms, thereby helping patients return to their daily lives such as work, mountain climbing, and tourism.

        If you are a heart failure patient, it is important to collaborate with healthcare professionals to develop personalized treatment plans to maintain optimal health.


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