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09.2024 Life Guide

Borrowing Military grade CMMC Model to Protect Home Digital Life

Far Eastern New Century Corporation / Jian Junru
4093401        Wearing AirPods to listen to music while commuting, browsing photos in cloud albums with your phone, and recording your heartbeat with a smartwatch on your wrist... As someone in the digital age, you must be familiar with such scenes. But have you ever thought that these daily behaviors may conceal security risks? What can be done to protect personal privacy?

                What is CMMC?

        Internet of Things (IoT) devices have become a part of personal information security, just as businesses need to manage the security of their suppliers, modern people should also pay attention to the protection functions of digital products and services.

        The US Department of Defense launched the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) in 2020, which is a supplier certification mechanism that combines regulations and cybersecurity standards. It requires that personnel, locations, equipment, and systems through which data is transmitted must be controlled and protected, aiming to ensure that companies in the US defense supply chain have sufficient cybersecurity protection capabilities.

        Although this framework is designed to protect national defense secrets, many principles can also be applied to the digital lives of the general public, including emphasizing regular updates of devices and systems, implementing strict access control measures, protecting sensitive data, and responding to security incidents in a timely manner.

        Can strangers also connect to your headphones?

        In June of this year, Apple released firmware updates for several of its AirPods, urgently fixing a vulnerability to eliminate the risk of hackers impersonating paired devices for eavesdropping. This demonstrates CMMC's emphasis on the principle of "regular updates" and recommends that the public develop the habit of regularly checking and updating their smart devices.

        Apple users can click on the "Settings" option on their iPhone or iPad to enter the "Bluetooth" function, or select the "Bluetooth" function in the "System Settings" on their Mac, and then click the information button next to the earphones to confirm whether the current device firmware has been updated to version 6A326 or 6F8. As Apple currently does not provide a manual update method for AirPods, as long as your AirPods are charged and within the Bluetooth range of an iPhone, iPad, or Mac connected to Wi Fi, the system will automatically push the latest firmware update notification.

        Will cloud albums be seen by strangers?

        With the popularization of cloud technology, more and more people are storing photos and videos from their phones and cameras in cloud albums. However, if not properly protected during transmission or storage, precious memories may not only be downloaded and stored by unauthorized users, but also become targets of hacker attacks.

        CMMC requires the implementation of strict access control measures to ensure that authorized users can access sensitive data. Citizens can set high-strength passwords and activate two factor authentication to protect their personal cloud albums and avoid connecting to private cloud albums through public Wi Fi. If abnormal account activity records are found, the password should be changed in a timely manner to effectively protect personal memories while enjoying technological convenience.

        Could there be spies lurking in your living room?

        The popularization of smart TVs also brings new security challenges. Cybersecurity company Bitdefender recently discovered significant security vulnerabilities in LG Smart TV, allowing hackers to bypass identity verification, gain access, and gain complete control of the TV, monitor family members, eavesdrop on conversations, and even use it as a gateway to launch cyber attacks.

        To avoid the above situation, the asset management and access control principles emphasized by CMMC are particularly important. The public should list smart TVs as important assets that need to be protected, regularly update TV systems, use strong passwords to protect Wi Fi networks, and carefully manage the applications installed on TVs.

        Building a cybersecurity fortress is everyone's responsibility

        From AirPods, cloud photo albums, to smart TVs, living in the era of Internet of Things, every digital device is a part of information security. Therefore, protecting information security is not only the responsibility of a single department, but also an issue that modern people should pay attention to.

        Regularly updating smart devices, using strong passwords, enabling two factor authentication, managing access permissions carefully, being aware of potential phishing attacks, and avoiding transmitting sensitive information in insecure network environments... These seemingly simple actions are actually concrete manifestations of military level cybersecurity awareness being implemented in daily life. By raising awareness and taking appropriate security measures, we can not only protect our privacy and data security, but also build a more secure digital world.

        *Image source: freepik


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