The English version is AI translated.


2020年08月號 樂活職人


EIE美語 / 提供


一、Neutral Opinions 中立的意見
•    It seems to me that(對我來說/就我看來)
It seems to me that this idea is worth trying.(對我來說,這點子很值得一試。)
It seems to me that medical masks can only provide 30% protection from  COVID-19, but it's better than wearing nothing.(就我看來,醫療用口罩僅能隔絕30%的冠狀病毒,但勝過於沒有配戴。)

•    In my opinion/From my point of view(依我看/我的觀點是…)
In my opinion, travel plans should be suspended during COVID-19 outbreaks.(依我看,由於疫情因素,今年不適合出國。)
In my opinion, embracing mask-wearing is a proper habit in order to prevent  the spread of contagious diseases.(我的觀點是,良好的配戴口罩習慣,可避免疫情擴散。)

•    As far as I'm concerned(就…而言…/就我所關切的)
As far as I'm concerned, hand sanitizer isn't as good as soap. Washing hands the traditional way is far superior to using hand sanitizer.(就我而言,勤用肥皂洗手比用酒精乾洗手更重要。)

二、Tentative Opinions 不甚確定/具試探性的說法
•    It would be fair to say that(客觀來說)
It would be fair to say that Taiwan and New Zealand did an outstanding job in controlling coronavirus.(客觀來說,臺灣和紐西蘭在控制新冠病毒上有優秀的表現。)

•    As far as I’m able to judge(據我判斷)
As far as I'm able to judge, this new product launch has huge potential to achieve our profit targets.(據我判斷,發表此產品後,極有潛力達到我們的獲利目標。)

三、Strong Opinions 堅定的意見
•    I firmly / really / strongly believe that(我深信)
I strongly believe that everything will go back to normal in 2021.(我深信在2021年一切將會回到正軌。)

•    I'm sure / certain that(我確定)
I'm certain that it is more expensive to eat out than cook your own food.(我確定外食的花費比自己料理更貴。)

•    It's quite clear that(很明顯的)(當已取得足夠資源可佐證的時候)
It's quite clear that we need to cut costs this year.(很明顯的,我們今年需要降低成本。)
•    It's my considered opinion that(根據我的審慎判斷/我深思熟慮過)(當此意見與自身的專業、熱情或經驗相關時)
It's my considered opinion that Java is the most popular programming language.(根據我的審慎判斷,Java 是最通用的程式語言。)

Scenario:Before a seminar, Sabrina and Mark are talking(情境:研討會前,Sabrina 和Mark 在聊天)
Sabrina:Good morning, Mark. How are you today?(早安Mark。你好嗎? )

Mark:I'm fine, thank you. I think today’s seminar will be useful and informative.(我很好,謝謝。我認為今天的研討會一定會有很多收穫。)

Sabrina:Definitely! I'm sure that the seminar is going to be successful.(當然!今天的研討會一定會很成功。)

Mark:I was working from home the past two days preparing an opening speech for this seminar. I’m expecting it!(我這兩天在家準備研討會的開場稿,我很期待今天的研討會。)

Sabrina:Great! I’m glad to attend this event. Speaking of ‘working from home’, have you seen the latest news on BBC about that? (太好了,我很高興今天來參加這個研討會。提到「在家工作」,你有看到最近BBC 的相關新聞報導嗎?)

Mark:Yes, I saw that article yesterday. They’re saying that working from home may become “the new normal”.(有阿!我昨天看到,新聞報導「在家工作」未來可能成為新的工作型態。)

Sabrina:As far as I'm able to judge, only tech companies can make arrangements to work from home.(就我認為,只有科技公司可實施「在家工作」這種新的工作型態。)

Mark:Actually, many other companies can afford to work from home. However, our company will not be able to do that.(其實很多公司已經可以在家工作,但我們公司還不行。)

Sabrina:I agree. We work in finance. We need to be here and stay connected to people.(我同意,我們金融產業很需要實際與人交流互動。)

Mark:I strongly believe that this pandemic will be over this year. We will go back to our normal lives next year. All this will pass.(我深信今年疫情將會結束,明年一切都將回到常軌。這一切都會過去的。)

Sabrina:From my point of view, things will be normal by the end of 2020.(就我看來,年底就會恢復正常了。)

Mark:Let us hope so. Alright, the seminar is about to begin in 10 minutes. Let’s get everything ready for it.(我們都希望如此。好了,研討會再10分鐘就要開始了,我們準備一下吧!)

Sabrina:You’re right! Sure thing.(好!沒問題。)


() I think that this project will be done by the end of this week.
() It seems to me that this project will be done by the end of this week.
() I think that this seminar will be successful.
( )I strongly believe that this seminar will be successful.
I think that用於正式會議時,讓人感覺有些不確定,沒有說服性;表達不夠完整時,甚至讓人覺得不禮貌。#


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