2021年09月號 樂活職人
日常、職場用語大不同 你說對了嗎?
EIE美語 / 提供

1. 日常用語“think of/about”(想一想) vs. 職場用語“Consider”(思考/考量)或“deliberate”(謹慎考慮/仔細討論)
● I will think about your proposal.(我會想一想你的企劃。)
√ I will consider your proposal, give me a few days to look into the details before I approve it.(我會思考一下你的企劃,給我幾天時間研究細節再批示。)
√ We have been deliberating an entire month on this project, are we any closer to making a final decision?(我們已經花一整個月仔細討論這個案子,可以做最後決定了嗎?)
2. 日常用語“think (something/someone) is”(覺得某人/事)vs. 職場用語“believe (something/someone) is”(相信或對某人/事抱持信心)或是“consider (something/someone) to be”(認為某人/事具備)
● I think Johnson is one of the best …(我覺得Johnson是最好的…)
√ I believe Johnson is one of the best engineers in our team.(我相信Johnson是我們團隊中最優秀/最有能力的工程師。)
√ I consider Johnson to be one of the best engineers in our team. (我認為Johnson是我們團隊中最優秀/最有能力的工程師。)
3. 日常用語“make”(做/安排/著手進行…等)vs. 職場用語“create” (concept, image, design) (創造/發明/發想),或”develop ”(ideas, solution, plan, strategy, etc.)(開發/發展/使…形成)
● We are making…(我們在進行…)
√ We are creating a new training procedure for the newcomers.(我們在為公司新人訓練創造新的學習流程。)
√ Can we create a new image for the product?(我們可以發想新的產品形象嗎?)
√ Our engineering team is developing a new solution to transfer our data to a new platform.(我們的工程團隊正在開發一個新的解決方案,屆時會將大數據置於全新的平臺上。)
√ They are developing an economical marketing plan that will attract more potential buyers.(他們正在發展新的經濟行銷計畫,以利吸引更多潛在買家進行消費。)
4. 日常用語“guess”(猜想)vs. 職場用語“predict”(預測/預報)或“estimate”(估計/評估)
● It is hard to guess(很難猜想)
√ Economy experts are predicting the significant changes to the global economy during the pandemic.(經濟學者專家們預測疫情期間全球經濟將發生重大的改變。)
√ It is difficult to estimate the financial impact of the pandemic on companies.(難以估計疫情對各企業的財務影響。)
以上英文教學由EIE美語提供,英文課程諮詢請洽:EIE Institute Belle Yin(Tel: (02) 8773-6828 Ext. 368;Email: belle@eie.com.tw)