2023年02月號 乐活职人
凝聚共识 向前迈进
EIE美语 / 提供
一场完美的简报,除了仰赖主讲者的表达能力,团队的支援也功不可没。本期「英文小教室」告诉您,如何透过会后的Small Talk,跃身职场人气王!
Vocabulary (词汇)
1. Informative(内容丰富/具教育性的/有益的)
2. Productive(有成效的/有收穫的)
3. on the same page(有共识的)
4. move on to…(继续往前/进到下一个阶段)
Sample Dialogue(情境范例)
Mark:The meeting just now was quite informative and productive.(刚刚的会议内容丰富,很有成效。)
Sandra:Indeed. We are all on the same page now.(的确是,现在大家都有共识了。)
Mark:All set! The team is ready to move on to the next stage.(对啊!团队已准备好进入下一个阶段。)
Sandra:Exactly. In order to build team spirit, do you think it would be a good idea to invite the entire team to dinner tonight?(真的,为了提升团队精神,我们邀请大家今晚一起去聚餐,你觉得好吗?)
Mark:That would be great!(好主意!)
英文课程谘询请洽:EIE Institute Belle Yin(Tel: (02) 8773-6828 Ext. 368;Email: belle@eie.com.tw)