The English version is AI translated.

2025.03 第415期
In this Issue2025.03 第415期

Under the impact of aging and digitalization trends, consumers' demands are vastly different from the past. In addition to diverse financial products, they also look forward to obtaining more convenient and customized experiences. This issue's' Cover Story 'introduces how the financial service institutions under the group are embracing this trend and shaping a new look in the financial market with warm and thoughtful services.

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Leader's RemarksIDGs pave the way for dual sustainability from lying flat to action oriented

The "lying flat culture" has gradually emerged in the Asian labor market in recent years, reflecting the reordering of life values among young people after the epidemic. However, for enterprises, the "lying flat culture" has caused low employee participation and motivation, becoming a hidden concern for the sustainability of the enterprise and even the environment.

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Cover StoryOriental Securities Corporation creates friendly finance from the heart

According to the statistics of the stock exchange, the number of securities account openings in Taiwan continues to rise. Nowadays, "digitalization" is not only an advantage for attracting customers, but also a basic equipment for serving customers. This article introduces how Oriental Securities Corporation faces constantly changing customer demands, provides convenient financial services, and creates a safe and friendly financial environment.

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Cover StoryFrom 4K certification to AI metaverse, Far Eastern International Bank embraces the new wave of financial services

With the evolution of aging and technology, Taiwan's financial market is undergoing an unprecedented transformation. Coupled with changes in global asset flows, consumer demands are becoming increasingly diverse and personalized, requiring not only traditional financial products but also more convenient and customized solutions.

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Editor's ChoiceRecommend

Sincerity, Diligence, Thrift, Prudence, InnovationAlways taken trustworthiness as the guiding principle of his business management. Beyond the groupfounder's commitment to constancy, honesty, and openness, he has enshrined Sincerity, Diligence, Thrift, Prudence, and Innovation as Far Eastern's founding philosophy.

To stand still in the torrent of knowledge economy, we must pay attention to the acquisition, accumulation and application of knowledge, and catch the train of information technology. "Far East Magazine" has a new look.
