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03.2019 Welfare

Tenth Anniversary Special Plan of Far Eastern Plaza Hotel ,Tainan: Ten more yuan to get upgrade

Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Tainan / Buyiyun
        Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Tainan is celebrating the tenth anniversary of the hotel's opening this year. Special plans are made for the SHANG10PLUS series of activities. In terms of housing preferences, from March 3 to April 3, it launched the "Full Sincerity Suite Upgrade" program. Every one who stays in a luxury lounge room with "Flexible Rate" will be upgraded to an elegant official suite as soon as 10 yuan is added. Hand-painted canvas bags by Japanese illustrator Yamazaki Brothers and Sisters are presented. They also enjoy free breakfast, evening cocktails and snacks. The price is 10 yuan higher in pairs, starting at 5,260 yuan per room per night. The above price is subject to 10% service charge and 5% government tax. In addition, throughout March, the restaurant rolled out weekly over-value discounts: from March 1 to 10, when the drunk month building consumed 5,000 yuan, it could buy a piece of roast duck ticket for 10 yuan; from March 11 to 20, the popular Far Eastern Group CAF cafeteria launched a daily dinner with a special "battle axe pork chop" for each chef; and The MEZZ steak lobster restaurant, on March 3. From January 21 to 31, a set steak meal will be offered for half of the roasted lobster. For more anniversary information, please call (06) 702 8888.
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