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09.2019 Group Briefing

Far EasTone Telecommunication's Little Digital Superman Competition Makes Love Spread To The Rural Areas.

Far EasTone Telecommunication / He Siwei
        Far EasTone Telecommunication continued its deep ploughing in Taiwan with the CSR concept of Flipped Education to Spread Love". From July 22 to 26, “Far EasTone Telecommunication Little Digital Superman Online Competition” was held. A total of almost 1000 students from 82 elementary schools and 71 middle schools participated in the competition, which was an educational game competition held by PaGamO, a popular online game learning platform for schoolchildren and the first charitable digital learning way in Taiwan. “Big Data+AI+IoT” is also used as a question bank in this competition to enhance the knowledge and learning of primary and secondary school children in the fields of Big Data, artificial intelligence and Internet of things (IoT). In addition, Far EasTone Telecommunication has long been concerned about education in the rural areas. In addition to awarding scholarship to the top ten in the wrap- up presentation, awards for the rural areas were specially reserved. It is hoped that, in addition to flipped education, love can be spread to rural areas.
Flip education by games – not limited to urban and rural areas, school children enjoy learning through stimulating online games competition in summer vacation
Far EasTone Telecommunication held Taiwan's first charitable digital online games competition, which enables primary and secondary school children to participate in a fierce game-based learning competition during the summer vacation, enjoys the fun and excitement of the game on the PlayGamO digital learning platform without restriction of distance, and enriches digital knowledge of the technological times. The process of competition was exciting and interesting. The students were very creative that one student arranged the game territory into the special shape of Queen Yeliu. Other participants shared the final sprint pictures of the competition through live webcasting, making full use of digital new technology to teach through lively activities.
Let Love Spread to Rural Areas – Retain Special Award to Stimulate Children's Learning Motivation
Far EasTone Telecommunication has long been committed to promoting corporate social responsibility, focusing on children and rural education issues. “Far EasTone Telecommunication Little Digital Superman Online Competition” also retains the prize for rural students, with a total bonus of NT$60,000, focusing on improving the digital capacity of children in the rural areas. Under this incentive mechanism, one tenth of the participants were from rural areas, including Miaoli County, Nantou County, Taichung City, Yunlin County, Chiayi County, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, Pingdong County, Hualian County, Taidong County, and even Penghu County and Lianjiang County on the outer islands.
The announcement of the winners and information of receiving the awards of the “Far EasTone Telecommunication Little Digital Superman Online Competition” were published on the PaGamO News Area and PaGamO Taiwan FB Fan Page on August 1.
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