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11.2019 Honor and Personnel Change

Far EasTone Telecommunication achieved the international recognition again and was elected to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI)for the first time.

Far EasTone Telecommunication / he Siwei

        Dow Jones of the United States and RobecoSam Group of Switzerland released the results of the 2019 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). Far EasTone Telecommunication performed well in three aspects: economy, environment and society and was elected to the “Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI)” constituent stock for the first time and "The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices, DJSI Emerging Markets" constituent stock for the fourth year in a row. This year, Far EasTone Telecommunication scored full marks on seven of DJSI's 24 categories, including customer relationship management, innovation management, network reliability, environmental reporting, social reporting, labor practice indicators, and workplace health and safety, demonstrating Far EasTone Telecommunication's outstanding performance in sustainable operation and achieving international recognition.


        The Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJI) is jointly launched by Dow Jones of the United States and RobecoSam, a Swiss Sustainable Asset Management Corporation. It is the first to track the global social responsibility index of large international enterprises. This year, thousands of internationally renowned enterprises in more than 60 industries were invited to participate in the questionnaire survey. Economy, society and environment were three aspects to evaluate the enterprises’ performances in strategy, management of sustainable operation and sustainable development of different industrial characteristics. And based on "the best performance in the industry", the top 10% enterprises are elected to the “Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI)” constituent stock. It is the most credible enterprise sustainability evaluation tool and regarded as one of the important reference indicators for global investment institutions.


        Far EasTone Telecommunication President Chee Ching said: "This year, it is an honor and encouragement for Far EasTone Telecommunication to be listed in the DJSI constituent stock again with international benchmarking companies. Far EasTone Telecommunication was in line with the international sustainable trend in 2018. We established the "Blueprint for Sustainability Strategy from 2018 to 2025" to be in line with the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) and connect growth, innovation, inclusiveness and green power. We will integrate sustainable strategy with enterprise operation and set a specific medium and long-term goal. On the road of transformation and upgrading during the advent of 5G, we will develop 5G innovative applications, make good use of the core expertise of enterprises, exert the influence of the telecommunication industry and implement the sustainability development goals more actively with suppliers, employees, clients and other partners. "


        Far EasTone Telecommunication devotes manpower and resources to three major aspects, environmental, social and economic to achieve sustainability development goals

         In terms of environmental sustainability, Far EasTone Telecommunication introduced management methods of international initiatives such as Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures(TCFD)and science-based target (SBT) in 2018. Based on SBT carbon reduction commitments, the direct or indirect greenhouse gas emissions Category I and Category II will be reduced by 20% in 2030 compared with 2016. For the third party through the value chain, the carbon emissions Category III will be reduced by 17% in 2030 compared with 2016, and it has been approved in July, becoming the third telecommunications technology company in Asia to obtain this international review, which demonstrated Far EasTone Telecommunication's determination in active investment in energy saving and carbon reduction and reducing environmental impact.


        In terms of social inclusiveness, Far EasTone Telecommunication promotes “caring for the foundling to let love spread” for 13 consecutive years with Child Welfare League Foundation. R.O.C. and changes the traditional fund-raising mode through the online and offline connection to establish the biggest public welfare fund-raising network in Taiwan. It has been the third year to promote the “reverse education to let love spread” program and combines with online game learning platform PaGamO to integrate "learning" into "games". With the help of volunteers, we have visited more than 30 rural primary schools in northern, central and southern Taiwan. In addition, Far EasTone Telecommunication's development goals for 2025 in social inclusiveness includes 98% coverage of network in rural areas, 6.4 million people being involved in public welfare projects, and the introduction of sustainability development into the performance appraisal of all employees.


        As far as the sustainable governance is concerned, Far EasTone Telecommunication has been recognized by international rating agencies repeatedly. In the latest evaluation of corporate governance in Asia, it also won 2019 the 9th Asian Excellence Award, "Asia's Best Chief Financial Officer" and "Best Investor" and the “ISO 45001:2018 and CNS 15506:2011(TOSHMS) Occupational Safety and Health Management System Standard Verification” certificate issued by BSI, the Authoritative Verification Agency for International Standard Setting, and the "Best Employer in Asia" by “HR Asia”, an Asian human resources professional journal for 2 consecutive years. 



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