The English version is AI translated.


07.2021 Leader's Remarks

Seek Solution for Taiwan’s Pandemic Predicament through Benevolence

Far Eastern Group Chairman / Douglas Hsu

  First, I would like to declare that my objective of writing this article is purely to reflect on the issue, not to judge anyone, nor to provoke any conflict or criticism.  As Taiwan is currently facing the collapse of epidemic severity and requires immediate solutions to quickly purchase a large quantity of vaccines, and complete inoculations at the soonest for the majority of population.

371B01  Given that each nation is competing fiercely for the vaccine access, we understand that it is quite challenging to purchase, and believe that the Government has been making its best efforts from the past to present and future.  However, the fact is until now the number of vaccines we have in hand is scarce, and the inoculation rate is too low, in particular with Taiwan’s technology strength and nearly US$30,000 per capita income, the Government is troubled by failing to acquire sufficient vaccines, people unavoidably are filled with stress, divisions, and accusations.

  Now Taiwan encounters life and death matters urgently, and the accumulated deaths caused by the pandemic have continued to rise drastically.  It is heartbreaking and we mourn deeply for the deceased.  The extensive outbreak of the pandemic and high fatality rates can only be saved by the badly needed vaccines.  At this vital moment, the Government really needs to not only relate to, but also relieve people’s suffering.  It is a non-disputable fact that we urgently need vaccines.  People yearn for vaccines, just as longing for a breeze rain during a drought.

  At this moment, we should be thankful for any available international certified vaccine offered to us.  The U. S. is willing to help and release 750,000 doses of vaccines.  Though some might think it is only a drop in the bucket, but the U. S. has its own strategic and geopolitical considerations, it cannot exclusively favor Taiwan.  Similarly, Japan has kindly offered 1.24 million of AZ vaccines to return the relief we offered to them during the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.  We should also be grateful.

  Today we live in a borderless global village.  It is human nature to care and help one another.  When others are in distress, Taiwan always try its best to assist, such as the March 11th tsunami in Japan decade ago and Sichuan earthquake in mainland China, our people have always had empathy and compassion for others and would go there to contribute.

  I would suggest that we should avoid sinking into the political quagmire but consider the vaccine issue from a humanitarian perspective.  If China is willing to donate vaccines, which are WTO certified Sinopharm or Sinovac Covid-19 vaccines, we should set aside our differences, eliminate the doubt of  “bad intention,” and turn into positive mindset of “caring relief.”  I believe when providing vaccines to Taiwan, mainland China would be extremely careful as this is a moment to show humanitarian care, just as when the earthquake occurred in 2008 in Sichuan, Taiwanese reached out to help, many corporations including the Far Eastern Group, sent out our best teams to help them rebuild their homes and relive their losses.

  Benevolence can bring more kindness.  Right now, we should believe in the circulation of kindness and accept the goodwill expressed by China.  In order to get inoculations, recently many Taiwanese flew to the United States, and more local businessmen and people went to China for this.  To put us in their shoes, now may be the time to let go of disagreements.  Both sides of the Strait should open up our minds, set aside prejudices, and adopt more liberal attitude and strategy to benefit bilaterally.

  Many states that there is only one life linked island wide of Taiwan, in fact under the pandemic we are one global family in the whole world.  Unless there will be no further international exchanges, as long as the virus is raging, no country can survive and succeed individually.  Now I sincerely hope that our people can forward the kindness and goodwill, the Government can strategize promptly and provide sufficient vaccines for the people.  If corporations are willing to seek channels to purchase internationally certified vaccines, the Government should work and cooperate closely to fight against virus together.

  As to address people’s concern about the risk if vaccines were purchased by private sectors, my personal thinking is that due to the extremely complicated preservation, distribution, and inoculation involved, joint planning and execution by the Government to bear the responsibility for the risks is not only political common sense to comply with the division of roles and responsibilities, but also serve to lessen people’s doubt.  If need be, for the enterprises to assist in providing epidemic prevention resources, I believe we will all be glad to make our own contributions.

  The way how Israel and Singapore procure vaccines at any cost for their people exemplified for all governments.  As a good corporate citizen, if policy permits, I would also like to contribute via sponsoring or subscribing to purchase.  I am convinced many corporations would be glad to echo and join to assist in boosting vaccine inoculation, hopefully to seek solution at the soonest.  God bless Taiwan! (Published in “United Daily” on June 10, 2021)


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