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04.2024 Group Briefing

Big City Far Eastern Big City Shopping Malls Collaborate with National Tsing Hua University and Bamboo Women to Promote Popular Science Education and Attract People to Challenge

Big City Far Eastern Big City Shopping Malls / Zeng Yunting
404n200101        On February 28th, Big City Far Eastern Big City Shopping Malls teamed up with the National Tsing Hua University Cross disciplinary Science Education Center for the 10th time to hold the largest science education market in the Taozhumiao area - "International Women's Science Day". In response to the 211 International Women's and Girls' Science Day, 38 International Women's Day, and 314 International Mathematics Day, the Science Education Market invited the Energy Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Taipei Municipal Astronomical Observatory, the Nuclear Energy Safety Committee, and nearly 30 science education units from all levels of schools in Taiwan to lead friends of all sizes to experience the fun of science education through scientific experiments such as frictional static electricity, optical refraction, and magnetic levitation.


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