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06.2024 Cover Story

Yuan Ze University's innovative teaching nurtures new stars in the workplace

Far Eastern Magazine / Editorial Room
4060701        AI technology is rapidly advancing industrial development, and many graduates are lamenting that the knowledge they have worked hard to acquire in four years of university may not be enough to be used when they step out of school; On the other hand, the students at Yuan Ze University have already cultivated both skills and morals, each rubbing their hands and preparing to showcase their skills. This issue of "Cover Story" introduces how Yuan Ze University combines internal and external resources to create a unique course that combines theory and practice, nurturing hot talents in the job market.

        Innovative teaching and implementation of digital education

        4060702        In response to the demand of enterprises for technology talents such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), and Big Data, Yuan Ze University has prioritized "digital education" and deepened cross domain learning, establishing an innovative teaching model that is student-centered and practical oriented. In terms of course structure planning, programming language will be listed as a mandatory course for university departments, and a three-stage process of "core → advanced → application" will be designed according to the characteristics of the college. Each department will incorporate digital application majors such as Industry 4.0, digital cultural and creative, financial technology, and data analysis according to different needs, and gradually create digital education courses. Students first study "programming language" in their freshman year, and then study "digital application courses" and "digital cross domain learning courses" from sophomore to senior year. They comprehensively master programming theory and application programming design from shallow to deep, while achieving cross domain learning effects. Even students from the Applied Foreign Languages and Chinese Language departments who specialize in Chinese language are no exception. In addition, Yuan Ze University also plans micro courses for general education, cultivating digital cross domain talents through diverse perspectives and innovative course combinations.

        On the basis of a comprehensive learning architecture, Yuan Ze University is committed to improving the quality of teaching. On the one hand, it subsidizes teachers who offer innovative digital courses and can apply for additional teaching assistants and plan after-school tutoring according to their needs. On the other hand, it also encourages the use of problem-based learning (PBL) teaching mode to guide discussions based on practical problems, supplemented by cloud services and generative AI tools from Google or Microsoft, to enhance students' motivation for self-directed learning and cultivate their ability to use digital tools and respond to future emerging problems, in order to shorten the gap between learning and application.

        Linking up networks and building alumni networks

        In addition to digital technology knowledge and skills, the workplace also requires soft power in areas such as teamwork, communication, and adaptability. In addition, Google for Education's 2022 Future of Education report also pointed out that a global perspective and cross-cultural literacy are indispensable conditions for future generations.

        The alumni of Yuan Ze University are spread across various industries at home and abroad, with rich first-hand experience, work vision, and corporate resources, making them undoubtedly the most reliable partners of the school. To this end, Yuan Ze University established alumni associations in various regions in September 2022, and in December of the same year, established the "Yuan Ze University Alumni Association" to establish contacts with elite alumni from all walks of life. Through holding theme sharing meetings, seminar activities, corporate visits or cultural exchanges, invited well-known figures from industry, government and academia, and corporate alumni to return to school to share their successful experiences, helping students to have early exposure to the industry and develop corresponding abilities; Not only that, the alumni association also cooperates with the school to promote the "Enterprise Academy" and assists enterprises in designing customized talent development plans. Through enterprise topics, internships, and transformation case discussions, students are guided in real-life situations faced by the industry, integrating their knowledge with Sustainability Development literacy, strengthening their problem-solving awareness, and achieving the goal of nurturing Sustainability Development talents through a tripartite cooperation model between the school, alumni, and enterprises. This enhances the competitiveness of students in the workplace and injects innovative energy into enterprises.

        4060703        Faced with the rapidly changing business market and fiercely competitive higher education environment in Taiwan, Yuan Ze University continues to provide a good learning environment and teaching resources. At the same time, it also holds campus recruitment and on-site recruitment meetings for graduating students, arranges career lectures and coaching for development, hoping that students will play to their strengths in the future and become the most dazzling force in the workplace.

        Mr. Zheng Jiesheng, who graduated from the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Yuan Ze University, is a representative of the school's educational philosophy. Due to being deeply inspired during the semester, after graduation, I actively turned my learning achievements into action and founded "Xincheng Magnesium Action Medical Electronics" company, focusing on the research and application of smart medical solutions. My outstanding contributions have attracted widespread attention in the medical industry and have been awarded the "Outstanding Biotechnology Industry Award Unit of the Year 110", laying a leadership position in the field of biotechnology and healthcare.

        Collaboration between industry and school, collaborating with the group to cultivate talents

        Far Eastern Group is one of the multinational corporations with the most diversified operations, with businesses spanning across major industries such as telecommunications, retail, transportation, and healthcare. Affiliated enterprises are eager for talent and possess rich industry knowledge and practical teaching materials. Yuan Ze University is also well aware of the benefits of practical training for student employment. The two sides have been collaborating between industry and school for a long time, implementing the Far Eastern Group Industry Internship and Talent Training Program to assist students in participating in internships, with the aim of obtaining employment upon graduation and cultivating future talents for the group. Not only that, Yuan Ze University continues to transform academic achievements into industrial economic benefits, promote communication with affiliated enterprises, and work together with the group to promote the "Yuan Ze University Think Tank" project in order to gather research energy. At the same time, we discuss "enterprise specific cooperation". After understanding the technical needs of the enterprise, the school coordinates with teachers in relevant fields to participate, hoping to commercialize research results, enhance the value of research and development, achieve a win-win situation between industry and academia, and create more possibilities for the future.

                Yuan Ze University weaves a dense network to enhance students' competitiveness in the workplace. It not only focuses on digital education, establishes a complete cross domain learning process, strengthens their information technology literacy and application abilities, but also gathers the power of alumni to transform corporate resources and workplace experience into nutrients for student growth. It also collaborates with Far Eastern Group to develop talent training programs, providing students with internship opportunities and accumulating practical experience. Through diverse support channels, every graduate will carry an invincible ability to shine and create a unique career path in the fiercely competitive job market.


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