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07.2024 Hot Topic

Let's exercise together!

Far Eastern Magazine / Editorial Room
        With the rise of health awareness in recent years, more and more people are joining the ranks of sports and fitness. Do you also want to join the "Active Generation"? Come and take a look at the fitness secrets of domestic and foreign athletes!


        Have you ever heard of "ultra slow jogging"? This is an aerobic exercise with an intensity between jogging and walking. Every day after work and before dinner, it's a happy time for me and my family to go for a super slow jog together. During the process, we don't talk, watch TV, or slide our phones. Instead, we focus on following the rhythmic ticking of the metronome and running in place at a stable pace, allowing the accumulated fatigue and restlessness of the day to gradually settle. Occasionally, different beats are interspersed to increase fun and exercise intensity by changing the pace.

        Ultra slow jogging is a sport designed to apply human natural stepping ability, so it can be quickly learned by people of all ages and genders. Although it is as easy as walking, its fat burning and sweat burning effect is 2.5 times that of walking. I can start with just a pair of running shoes, even indoors. This economical and easy to get started exercise has made me a customer. (Far EasTone Telecommunications/Li Yijing)


        My favorite sport is swimming. When the hot summer comes, staying in the cool pool water can temporarily get rid of the stuffy air and fully enjoy the relaxation brought by buoyancy. In addition, swimming can quickly consume fat, shape and slim down, and also minimize sports injuries. It is suitable for rehabilitation training. Most importantly, when facing certain emergency situations, swimming is an essential survival skill. The only regret is that swimming is limited by season and venue, and cannot be done anytime, anywhere. (Far Eastern Textile Industry (Shanghai)/Yang Baojun)


        Badminton is a sport suitable for all age groups, and can be played by people of all ages and genders. It is also known as a national sport. In the 2010s, professional talents such as Dai Ziying and Zhou Tiancheng emerged in competitions, especially after Dai Ziying topped the World Cup in 2016, sparking a wave of badminton in Taiwan, which is still one of the most popular sports to this day.

        Badminton can be mainly divided into singles and doubles. The former is a one-on-one competition with a larger running range, making it more suitable for teenagers or adults; The latter is a two on two competition, suitable for all age groups and regardless of gender. Due to the varying levels of exercise intensity and competition among different age groups, it is recommended that everyone participate based on their physical condition and interests, in order to enjoy and benefit from it. (Far Eastern International Bank/Zhang Huangwei)


        I love riding bicycles with my children on weekends. It not only allows me to enjoy the scenery along the way, but also helps me improve my cardiovascular function. Most importantly, my whole family can participate, as exercising alone can easily lead to laziness. Taking my family outdoors allows children to not just watch 3C products at home, but also enjoy the sunshine and breeze while stepping on the road, breathing in fresh air, relieving stress on their bodies and minds, and cultivating an interest in sports. (Pacific Chongguang Department Store Hsinchu Branch/Wu Wenzhen)

        【 V 】

        Golf is one of my favorite sports. It is an aerobic exercise that can effectively enhance cardiovascular function. Every swing is a perfect workout for the upper body muscles, especially the waist and arms. In addition, through continuous improvement of hitting skills and the process of overcoming challenges, one can also enhance their focus and problem-solving abilities, learn to accept failures, face new challenges, and immerse themselves in the beautiful golf course, which can relax the body and mind, relieve stress and anxiety. Participating with friends, family, or colleagues can also deepen interpersonal relationships. I hope that through sharing, more people can feel this beauty. (Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology/Huang Peijia)


        For me, jogging is not only a physical exercise, but also a purification of the soul. It allows me to forget the pressure and worries in life, focus only on every breath and every step, and appreciate the scenery along the way. Whether facing the morning breeze or enjoying the magnificent scenery of the sunset, I can feel the comprehensive relaxation of my body and mind. In addition, outdoor jogging also gives me the opportunity to exercise with friends and family, share happy and healthy lifestyles. (Far Eastern New Century Corporation/Gong Yunying)


        Every time I buy a gym course, I often end up slacking off due to rain or getting off work too late. However, since I bought a Switch fitness ring and some sports games, occasionally during holidays when children at home want to play or exercise, they can immediately take it out and use it. In addition, the game provides different intensities of aerobic and muscle training. Through the process of passing levels, I can achieve my exercise goals and also relieve stress in a busy life. (Oriental Securities Corporation/Lan Xiaoping)


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