The English version is AI translated.


08.2024 Life Guide

Is' Hacker Quest 'a reality? Survival Guide in the AI Era

Far Eastern New Century Corporation / Chen Fangyu
4083301        In the digital world constructed by algorithms, everyone is like Neo in "The Matrix", facing a choice between the "red pill" and the "blue pill". Artificial intelligence (AI), as a modern predictive tool, seems to be able to understand human needs, but it may also become a powerful force that influences our decisions. This issue of 'Information Network' takes you through the plot of a movie to learn how to maintain self-awareness with the assistance of AI, ensuring personal privacy and data security.

                AI Assistant: Balancing Convenience and Privacy

        Imagine your life being completely changed by AI: in the office, AI assistants arrange meetings, reorganize files, and even automatically generate reports for you; After returning home, simply give simple voice commands to control all household appliances. These smart devices are like Jarvis in Iron Man, always at your disposal. However, convenience often carries hidden risks, as AI systems may secretly collect personal confidential information and data like Skynet in Terminator or Zhizi in the science fiction novel The Three Body Problem, operate in ways that humans cannot understand or predict, and even interfere with daily life. Therefore, while enjoying the convenience brought by AI and smart homes, it is also necessary to carefully set privacy protection measures and remain vigilant to ensure that smart applications become our trusted assistants rather than potential threats.

        AI bias: pursuing fairness, justice, and interpretability

        Humanity once expected AI to be more professional and fair, but reality has given us a sharp blow. In January 2020, a black man was arrested outside his home by a facial recognition system mistaking him for a wanted criminal, which ultimately proved to be a racial bias error. The movie 'Key Report' also depicts a similar problem: the pre crime system incorrectly predicts that someone will commit a serious crime, even though they have not committed any crimes yet. The preceding plot highlights the potential racial, gender, and other biases that AI may have in data training and algorithm design. In addition, the "black box" issue of AI decision-making is often discussed. In the future world depicted in the movie "AI Creator", AI systems are designed as weapons that can autonomously decide on attack targets, but their decision-making process is extremely opaque, leading to multiple misjudgments and significant ethical issues. In the face of such situations, humans need to be vigilant like Sarah Connor in "Terminator". Countries such as the European Union's "Artificial Intelligence Act", the United Kingdom, and South Korea have explicitly prohibited AI systems from making discriminatory decisions in their regulations, while Taiwan's "Guidelines for the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Financial Industry" and the United States' "Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policies for Government Agencies" emphasize that AI systems must have transparency and interpretability.

        The impact of personalized recommendations: maintaining independent choice

        AI's personalized recommendations are like prophets in "Hacker Quest", able to predict users' preferences. For example, after browsing sports shoes on social media, receiving personalized recommendations immediately not only saves time and facilitates shopping, but may also subtly influence consumer decisions; When watching Netflix, the recommendation system provides customized playlists, but it may cause viewers to miss the opportunity to explore different types of movies, which invisibly limits their personal viewing experience. Therefore, when enjoying the convenience of AI, one should maintain the ability to think independently and view AI as an auxiliary tool rather than a leader in life and decision-making, to ensure that every choice is in line with individual wishes and values.

        Enhancing Digital Literacy: Strengthening Cybersecurity Awareness

        In order to effectively and safely use AI, it is crucial to protect personal privacy and sensitive information. The recommended approach is as follows:

        1. Protect sensitive information: When interacting with generative AI, do not disclose any personal information or internal sensitive information of the enterprise.

        2. Comply with company policy: When using generative AI services, ensure compliance with the company or organization's information security policies and regulations.

        3. Review generated content: Before using content provided by generative AI, please develop the habit of cross validation.

        4. Enhance security awareness: Observe the changes in emerging technologies and receive information security training to improve security awareness in using AI tools.

        Are you ready to enter the era of AI?

        Individuals need to use AI with caution, and companies also face challenges and opportunities when promoting AI applications. Future companies may integrate AI into the services of various departments, similar to Stark Industries in Iron Man. In view of the rapid development of AI, governments and enterprises have successively formulated relevant regulations and usage guidelines. After the European Union released the world's first AI regulation, the Artificial Intelligence Act, in May 2024, Far Eastern New Century Corporation also announced the "Guidelines for the Use and Management of Generative AI" in June 2024, and has started to introduce the ISO/IEC 42001:2023 international standard for artificial intelligence management systems to continuously optimize AI management, aiming to protect personal data security, ensure system fairness, provide transparent decision-making, and establish a problem-solving mechanism to promote AI innovation and create a trustworthy usage environment.

        In the future, AI technology will bring innovative applications in more fields, and relevant regulations will continue to evolve. In addition to embracing the AI era, we should also adhere to the principle of "people-oriented", maintain the ultimate decision-making power, intelligently use AI to improve efficiency and improve life, strike a balance between convenience and safety, and create a smart future together.

        Note: The "red pill" and "blue pill" respectively represent "getting rid of virtual world control and entering real life" and "returning to the virtual world and enjoying comfortable dreams".

        *Image source: freepik


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