The English version is AI translated.


2020年05月號 乐活职人

实用职场英文:Likes, Dislikes, and Preferences

EIE美语 / 提供



I like delicious food.(我喜欢吃美味的食物。)
I like to laugh.(我喜欢笑。)
I like to sleep.(我喜欢睡觉。)

I like to dance.(我喜欢跳舞。)
I like going to the beach.(我喜欢去海边。)
I like Italian food.(我喜欢义大利餐。)

1. (   X  ) I very like chocolates.
2. (   V  ) I love chocolates.
3. (   V  ) I like chocolates very much.
4. (   V  ) I very much like chocolates.(较英式的用法)
  英文不会以very like来表示非常喜欢,可以用简单的love或very much来陈述。


I don’t like coffee.(我不喜欢喝咖啡。)
I dislike coffee.(我讨厌咖啡。)

I prefer water/tea/orange juice.(我比较喜欢水/茶/柳橙汁。)
I would rather to have a meeting today, if that is ok.(如果可以,我宁可今天进行会议。)

Scenario 1:After a business seminar(情境一:商务研讨会之後)
Mark:How do you like the seminar?(你觉得这次的研讨会如何?)
Sabrina:It’s very useful and informative. I quite like it.(资讯丰富且实用,我十分喜欢。)(quite= very,非常)
Mark:I feel the same way. By the way, I’d like to grab a quick bite before heading back to the office.  Would you like to come? (我也觉得。喔,对了,我想先吃一点东西再回公司,要一起来吗?)
Sabrina:Sounds like a plan. What’s in your mind?(听起来不错,你想吃甚麽?)
Mark:I’m thinking Thai food, what do you think?(泰国菜如何?)
Sabrina:Actually, I’m not a big fan of Thai food. It’s a little too spicy for me. I prefer Italian food to Thai food.(其实,我不太热衷於吃泰国菜,它对我来说有一点太辣了。我喜欢义大利菜多过於泰国菜。)(not a big fan= not interested,很有风度的表达婉拒)
Mark:Brilliant. I know a great Italian bistro around the area. Let’s go.(好极了,我知道附近有一间很棒的义大利餐酒馆,我们走吧!)

Scenario 2:Ready to Order(情境二:准备点餐)
Sabrina:Wow! What a great Italian bistro. Good choice Mark.(哇!Mark,你真会选,这真是一间很棒的义大利餐酒馆。)
Mark:You should try their Caesar salad to start with. (你应该先试试他们的凯萨沙拉。)(to start with= first,一开始)
Sabrina:They all look good to me.  I’ll go with Caesar salad for now.(它们的菜看起来都好好吃,我想先来一份凯萨沙拉。)
Mark:Their iced dripped coffee is recommended. (他们的冰滴咖啡也很推荐喔!)
Sabrina:I’ve already had two cups of coffee at the seminar this morning. I’d rather to have fresh juice than another cup. (在研讨会上我已经喝了二杯咖啡,我比较想喝新鲜的果汁。)
Mark:Then you should try their passion fruit smoothie.(那你应该要试试他们的热带水果奶昔冰沙。)
Sabrina:That’s it Mark. Let’s take the order.(就是它了,我们来点餐吧!)

Grammar Tips(文法补给站)

1. 表达比较喜欢某件事物=prefer+名词/不定词或动名词
In the afternoon, I prefer tea.(下午时段我比较喜欢喝茶。)
Actually, I prefer having Americano in the morning.(事实上,早上我比较喜欢喝美式咖啡。)
He prefers to work in a team.(他比较喜欢在团队里工作。)
I prefer taking/to take a job with flexible working hours.(我比较喜欢具有弹性工时的工作。)

2.做两个事物的比较=prefer A to/over B(A和B都为动名词或名词)
He prefers tea to coffee.(他喜欢茶胜过咖啡)
I prefer Chinese food to Italian food.(我喜欢中国菜胜过义大利。)
As for leisure activities, Johnson prefers playing guitar over playing basketball.(提到休闲活动,Johnson喜欢弹吉他胜过打蓝球。)

1.比较A&B的优劣顺序=A Rather than B(放在前面的项目是较偏好的)
Example:In my opinion, it’s easier to hold a teleconference today rather than to meet in person next week.(我的建议是,今天召开视讯会议比安排下周再面对面会议更容易。)

2.做两个事物的比较=rather A than B
Example:He’d rather go to bed than watch the basketball game.(他宁可睡觉胜过看篮球赛。)

3. 宁可做某事=would rather+原型动词
Example:I would rather stay home on a rainy day.(下雨天我宁可待在家里。)

*prefer+ rather的用法
表达喜欢A胜过B=prefer to A rather than B=would rather A than B(A和B都为原型动词,不过would rather A than B的口气更接近「宁愿做某事也不要做另一件」)
Douglas prefers to go hiking rather than play video games.(Douglas 喜欢去爬山健行胜过玩电玩。)
Douglas would rather go hiking than play video games.(Douglas 宁可去爬山健行也不要玩电玩。)

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