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06.2019 Life Guide

Eating the traditional rice pudding in an intelligent way to protect intestines and stomach

Far Eastern Memorial Hospital Hepatobiliary Gastroenterology / Chen Guanzhi

          With the Dragon Boat Festival approaching, there are always zongzi scenery on the dining table, facing a dazzling array of sweet zongzi, salty zongzi, northern zongzi, southern zongzi... How to balance delicacy and health? In this issue, "Health Column" is specially provided by professional doctors to eat Zongzi strategy, to reduce the burden of Zongzi on the body.

        The Most Important Principles: Temperance, Temperance, Temperance
         The main ingredient of zongzi is non-digestible glutinous rice, which belongs to food with high oil, calorie and high glycemic index. If it is excessive, it is prone to symptoms such as indigestion, flatulence, peptic ulcer or gastroesophageal reflux. Therefore, people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease should be more susceptible. Taboo, it is recommended not to exceed one capsule a day, otherwise it is not easy to control blood sugar, blood ester values.

        Food and Food for Chronic Diseases
         Functional gastrointestinal disease patients: This kind of patients are usually prone to flatulence, which is commonly known as "the stomach is fluffy". When eating rice dumplings, you must not wolf down, it is appropriate to chew slowly, so that you can enjoy delicious, but also reduce flatulence. In addition, it is best to eat while it is hot to reduce gastrointestinal discomfort.
         Diabetic patients: It is better to choose zongzi with lower sugar content and glycemic index. If it needs to be mixed with fructose, it should also be considered, and closely monitor blood sugar and follow the advice of doctors and diabetic health teachers. The most important thing is not to overdose.
         Cardiovascular disease patients: Zongzi is mostly oily, and excessive consumption will increase blood viscosity, affect blood circulation, fear of triggering acute coronary heart disease and other symptoms. It is recommended to select zongzi with light taste and less oil content.

        The best time to eat Zongzi is during the day.
         Enjoy dumplings in the daytime, after dinner should be avoided as far as possible, mainly because dumplings are difficult to digest, stay in the gastrointestinal tract for a long time, and at night the gastrointestinal tract is in a semi-resting state, eating too late will increase the burden of the gastrointestinal tract, not only increase gastric acid secretion, gastroesophageal reflux and peptic ulcer problems may follow. And then came. In addition, people who have a history of gallstones or pancreatic inflammation should also be careful. It is easy to cause acute disease by eating high-oil food.

        Balance with high-fiber vegetables and fruits
         When eating zongzi, it is recommended to mix with fruits with low glycemic index, such as kiwifruit, banana, apple, guava, tomato, etc. to help stabilize blood sugar. In addition, eating leaf vegetables such as luffa, bamboo shoots, cucumber, hollow cabbage and papaya and pineapple with high digestive enzymes in the season can help reduce the high consumption. The feeling of abdominal distension after protein food, helping digestion, stimulating gastrointestinal peristalsis and softening feces can reduce constipation.

        [Super ratio of all kinds of zongzi]

         It is believed that after the introduction above, we all have the basic concepts of smart eating Zongzong. In short, we can give consideration to both delicacy and health by enjoying proper amount, chewing slowly, mixing vegetables and fruits, taking care of gastrointestinal discomfort and monitoring blood sugar/blood ester.
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