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03.2020 Office Talk

Analysis of online shopping among different generations.

Provide / Tianxia innovation college
        Will you order frozen fresh food online? What makes you choose online shopping? Which platforms are the bulk of online shopping for fresh food? What's the difference between your online shopping habits and others? Since the food delivery changed our living mode, consumers online shopping frozen fresh food has become the current mode! This article will explore the online shopping behavior of different generations of ethnic groups, so as to help you understand the trend of "big food power" and think about new business opportunities.

In the past, consumers used to buy food items through physical channels, but now they have gradually transferred to online shopping, such as frozen and fresh fruits and vegetables, rice noodles, people's livelihood ingredients, snacks, snacks, snacks and drinks And so on. Do you know what frozen and fresh foods most people buy online? What platforms do they mainly use? What makes them choose to buy online, buy back, or no longer buy back? Go supply will share with you the trend of fresh food online shopping in different generations through the "frozen fresh food online shopping survey"!

All generations love "fresh online shopping". 30 generations are the main customers

        According to the survey, 87% of the people used to buy frozen fresh food on the Internet, with the highest in 30 generations (about 90%). As a whole, the proportion of fresh online shopping increased by 6% from the second half of 2018 to the first half of 2019, and the growth rate of fresh online shopping of all ethnic groups was between 4% and 9%, among which, the growth force of men and the 20th generation was higher than that of other ethnic groups.
        In terms of the buy back rate, 79% of the people said that they may or will buy frozen fresh food online again in the future, of which, the buy back rate of generation 30 is 83%, the highest among all generations; generation 20 also has a buy back rate of 75%, indicating that the online purchase of fresh food has become more and more mature, and the "food power" business is unstoppable.

A. Mart: cake, dessert and easy food

        In terms of fresh online shopping items, most people mainly buy "cake and dessert / ice products" (51%) and "instant delicious / easy food" (49%), such as dumplings and hotpot ingredients Even the "fruits and vegetables" that are hard to keep fresh have an online shopping rate of 20-30%. In addition, women and 30 generations are also crazy about "cake and dessert" online shopping (nearly 60%), while 40 and 50 generations are more interested in "new year dishes" and "aquatic seafood" online shopping than other customers.

Main frozen fresh online shopping platforms: Carrefour, yummy Market

        The survey results show that Carrefour online shopping, which carries the halo of mass merchandisers, and yummy market, which is a platform owned by entrepreneurs who are actively attacking the national food machine, are the main platforms for people to buy frozen fresh food online, while the local, organic, non-toxic and safe agricultural product platform "Taiwan Haonong" has a utilization rate of about 20%. Among them, Carrefour online shopping is preferred by men and 30 generations, while delicious market and Mama Bear shopping are preferred by 20 and 30 generations.

Main reasons for fresh online shopping: preferential price, fast and convenient

        When asked about "why do you buy frozen fresh food online", the most popular answers are "the price of online shopping products is more favorable" (42%), while "the delivery is convenient and fast, which can be delivered quickly" (38%), "people who don't like to go out and crowd people, which can be delivered directly to home" (38%), and "it's convenient to buy online when you work for a long time" (38%) Because of the ranking is tied for the second place.

There are also some slight differences in the reasons for choosing online shopping. For example, the 20th generation often chooses online shopping for fresh food because of "don't like going out", "long working hours" and "long-distance food queuing and unusual goods on the market". Different from this, the 50th generation often chooses online shopping for "local direct delivery and production and marketing experience".

Fast, provincial, multi and good promotion of fresh online purchasers' repurchase

        Why are people willing to buy back frozen fresh food online? The main reasons are "time-saving" (fast), "preferential / feedback" and "free shipping" (province), and "multiple accounts / categories" (many), plus "good quality experience / reliable platform" (good).

From the perspective of the factors driving people's buyback, "fast" and "province" are the key to success of fresh online shopping in the future. Therefore, operators of relevant online shopping platforms should pay special attention to the smooth shopping process and the scheme combination to attract consumers. In addition, observing the factors of different generations of buyback, we found that 50 generations paid more attention to time saving, preferential and free transportation, while 20 generations paid more attention to shopping experience than other generations.

Main reasons for non repurchasing: no demand, insufficient price concessions, poor quality

        Most of the reasons for not buying fresh food online are "old consumption habits are hard to change" (such as no demand, preference for physical inspection, habit of physical purchase), or "price is not favorable enough" (no promotion, no free shipping, too expensive or higher than the physical price), as well as "product quality is not good" (including: disappointed in the quality of food materials, too much single order) . the physical items are sold differently and the food is not fresh These are the main factors that make consumers stop buying back. In view of this, in the future, fresh online shopping brands can consider increasing promotions, strengthening the quality of food materials, and providing free shipping discounts in time, so as to enhance consumers' repurchase willingness.

From this survey, we can find that online shopping for fresh food has become more and more mature, and consumers have strong repurchase potential! The utilization rate of fresh online shopping in each generation has been significantly improved, among which 30 generations are the main consumer groups, which shows that the consumption business opportunities are gradually upgraded. In the future, fresh online shopping brands should pay more attention to providing products and services with good quality and low price, as well as purchasing experience, and combine promotion and free shipping activities to enhance consumers' repurchase intention and cultivate customers' loyalty. If consumers become loyal fans of the brand, they will become small helpers in marketing and publicity.

* survey notes: the "online shopping and consumption survey of frozen fresh food" is a two wave online survey conducted by the go supply market research consultant on the go supply platform from February 14, 2019 to April 9, 2019 (h2y18) and July 19, 2019 to August 12, 2019 (h1y19). 5646 samples (h2y18) and 3148 samples (h1y19) were collected from the two regions, with a total of 8794 samples. The interviewees were 18-59 years old, and had purchased the happy go card online in the past half a year.

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