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04.2021 Honor and Personnel Change

FET won the silver award of "The Sustainability Yearbook 2021" for two consecutive years

Far EasTone telecommunication / Lang Yaling
        In 2020, S & P global, an international sustainability evaluation organization, will evaluate the sustainability development performance of 7000 large enterprises in 61 industries around the world, select 630 leading enterprises based on ESG results, and publish the sustainability Yearbook 2021. Despite the impact of the cowid-19 epidemic, the number of enterprises participating in this year's sustainability assessment is still 50% higher than that of the previous year, reaching a new record. Far EasTone telecommunications is not willing to slack off in promoting sustainable development. It has outstanding performance in corporate governance, environmental sustainability, social responsibility and other sustainable operations. Therefore, it has won the "Silver Award" for two consecutive years, and is as famous as the global sustainable benchmarking enterprise.


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