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06.2021 Hot Topic

Far Easterners' Topic : my online shopping experience

Far Eastern Magazine / Editorial Room
        Online shopping craze just unfolding in recent years, especially COVID-19's burning up, not only set off a new wave of zero contact business opportunities, but also promoted online shopping to the national sports. Are you also keen on online shopping? What services or features attract you most? Come and see what the online shopping experts at home and abroad say?


        Although online shopping is convenient, if you don't do your homework well, you will waste more time

        1. Pay attention to the shipping information and return notice: can the merchant deliver the goods immediately? How much is the full amount of shopping free of freight? What are the rules for return and refund? So as not to waste more time of return and exchange because the goods are not as expected.

        2. Online shopping from the official website and reputable businesses: high priced goods must be ordered on the official website of the brand to ensure after-sales service; Before purchasing, you can search for the reputation of the merchants on the Internet to avoid being the victim of injustice.

        3. Rational online shopping and self-restraint: the convenience of online shopping sometimes makes people addicted, but before placing an order, you should remind yourself to "rational consumption, think twice before you act", so as to avoid suffering both physically and mentally Far Eastern International Bank


        Three years ago, my colleagues helped me download the mobile Taobao app, which officially opened my online shopping era. Because it is convenient, can deliver goods to home, save me the pain of round trip; Because it doesn't close for 24 hours, it allows me to browse the goods at will; Because it can easily shop around, there are other buyers' experience for my reference; Because it's under the slogan of "no satisfaction, no condition to return", which makes me worry less. The tablets, fruits, coffee, novels, clothes and other necessities of life are the spoils of online shopping.

        My life is connecting with businesses all over the world through the Internet. At this time, the similar products that I browsed last time will pop up on the mobile phone screen. Through the data analysis of the platform, the product information suitable for me will be sent for my reference. The desire for shopping has been burning up in my heart, and the red envelope is coming. Let's enjoy the fun of discount and the pleasure of shopping Oriental industries (Suzhou) / Chen Shuiluo


        Since the outbreak of the epidemic, my online shopping has become more and more frequent. From Taobao, vipshop and Jingdong to Jingdong, I like to choose the service of door-to-door delivery, which can save a lot of time and energy for office workers.

        When shopping for clothes and daily necessities, in addition to consumer reviews or photos provided by manufacturers, I will also refer to the live broadcast introduction, because I can see the products more directly, interact with the anchor, exchange the demand for products online, and participate in activities such as grabbing red envelopes and coupons. What's more, online shopping products are not only good in quality and low in price, but also have a variety of choices and slight defects, It's also very convenient to refund the payment, and the rights and interests are more protected Far Eastern Dyeing & Finishing (Suzhou) Linda


        I like shopping, especially online shopping. In addition to quick price comparison, the price is often more competitive due to the lack of rent in physical stores. I often buy clothes and novelty items online. As long as I input my height and weight, I can try them on by virtual characters, which makes it more convenient to choose the right size of clothes; Some online shopping platforms even provide the function of searching for things with pictures. As long as you take pictures of the goods you want to find, you can find similar looking goods. When you see passers-by wearing fancy goods in the future, you don't have to be embarrassed to ask and can't buy them any more.

        The online shopping platform not only provides shopping services, but also sells lotto tickets to redeem prizes, draw shopping money and a variety of small games to increase the utilization rate of the platform. In addition, the government has also set up mechanisms such as appreciation period to protect the rights and interests of consumers. Welcome to "fingertip tapping" together Ya Tung department store


            Since the outbreak of the epidemic, foodpanda and ubereat delivery app have become my food and clothing parents. They have everything from healthy vegetable and fat meals to sinful salted and crisp chicken, and sometimes they provide full discount, so that I can eat and save money. If it's hot in the south, I'm afraid of heatstroke. I'll give all my daily purchases to the delivery app. Except for famous chain stores, supermarkets, supermarkets and beauty shops, I can get a full amount discount. I can get a full amount credit card discount again. It's not only saving time, but also not having to travel outside. It's really convenient to effectively use time to study and exercise Far Eastern Department Store


        I was a buyer and a seller. As a buyer, I will choose the seller intuitively at the beginning, but I will inevitably encounter thunder in the process, and then I will learn to refer to the comments of other buyers before making a choice. Many people think that the seller can just wait to collect money by selling the goods, but in fact, when he meets the legendary "Australian customer", his mood will be greatly affected. It is suggested that before the seller sends out the goods, he should shoot the film of the goods and packaging as a guarantee; Before unpacking, the buyer can also record and store the certificate. If the buyer receives the goods from the supermarket, he can unpack the goods at the counter nearby without affecting the permission of others or the store, because the counter has excellent surveillance video and even recording Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection


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