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01.2024 Honor and Personnel Change

Oriental Petrochemical (Taiwan) Green Materials won the 2023 Gold Medal Enterprise Excellence Award

Oriental Petrochemical (Taiwan) Green Material / Li Zheting
889b01        On November 28, the Economic Development Bureau of the Taoyuan City Government held the "2023 Taoyuan Gold Medal Enterprise Excellence Award" award ceremony. Oriental Petrochemical (Taiwan) Green Materials, as the first enterprise in Taiwan to focus on the recycling and reuse of PET bottles, is committed to promoting recycled economy and resource regeneration. Its Kuanyin Plant 2 leverages the strength of EPS and ESG benchmark factories to achieve a net zero green life and has been awarded the "Love Earth Award".

        Oriental Petrochemical (Taiwan) Green Materials has over 30 years of professional recycling experience, with nearly 60% of transparent PET bottles being recycled and processed in Taiwan. Compared to raw materials, high-quality PET recycled materials made from discarded PET bottles can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60% and have a wide range of applications. They can be remade into various products such as PET bottles, functional clothing, films, and plastics.

        Oriental Petrochemical (Taiwan) green materials actively respond to the government's 2050 carbon neutrality target, with 77% of the waste generated in 2022 entering the reuse system; Over the past three years, approximately 10000 tons of waste have been converted into SRF solid fuel through reuse technology, which has been provided for use in co generation plants, resulting in a total reduction of 3600 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. In addition to leading the development of the upstream and downstream industrial chain for recycling and regeneration of discarded PET bottles, it also creates more employment opportunities. In the future, we will continue to innovate technology and expand the recycled material market, contributing to Taiwan's Sustainability Development.


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