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04.2024 Group Briefing

Far Eastern International Bank and Yuan Ze University's all-new Podcast make a significant debut

Far Eastern Magazine / Editorial Room
404n180301V2        In 2024, Far Eastern International Bank teamed up with renowned artist Liang Hequn to launch the Podcast channel "Ten Joys, No Money Enters Life". With the core value of wealth management brand "Ten Joys", it shares practical information such as financial knowledge and financial management strategies, providing listeners with a pleasant experience. The first episode of the program was shared by Vice President Zhang Xiaoqian of the Personal Finance Business Group, who shared her first financial crisis in life. She emphasized that financial management is not only to accumulate personal wealth, but also to learn and grow in life. Through correct financial concepts, one can achieve their dreams for themselves and their families.

        Coincidentally, the General Education Department of Yuan Ze University has also established a Podcast channel on its official website called "Yuan Ze University General Education. Cloud Enlightenment", planning three major programs: "Yuan Ze University Political and Economic Academy", "Dialogue between Technology and Humanities", and "Cultural Observation of Shopkeepers". The host invites teachers from the school to participate in the program, through which they discuss basic concepts and important issues in the four fields of humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and life sciences, allowing listeners to quickly absorb correct knowledge and continuously enrich themselves in the 30 minute program.


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