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06.2024 Hot Topic

Let's exercise together!

Far Eastern Magazine / Editorial Room
        With the rise of health awareness in recent years, more and more people are joining the ranks of sports and fitness. Do you also want to join the "Active Generation"? Come and take a look at the fitness secrets of domestic and foreign athletes!


        My original fitness mode was mainly focused on aerobic exercises such as boxing, yoga, TABATA, and running. I exercise more than 4 times a week on average, for 1 hour each time. When my physical condition is good, I even extend the training to 1.5-1.8 hours, but my posture has not changed. One day, driven by curiosity, I registered for a gym. In the first class, the coach taught me how to use fixed equipment and corrected my poor sitting posture based on my work characteristics; The second class is planned as a posture change course, with two sessions per week. Later, the coach drafted the menu, and I independently retrained three times a week, with a fixed schedule of coaching classes on Saturdays. Although I often joke that retraining feels like hard work, at the age of 46, I have actually fallen in love with it. Although it won't make me thin, it can change my body shape. I used to not love wearing tight clothes, but now I often wear tight sportswear when going out so that I can go to the gym anytime. (FE SOGO Department stores/Qiu Huizhu)


        One day, I realized that the buttons on my pants could no longer be buttoned smoothly, and my face became increasingly bloated. The graying weight scale was like a judge striking a hammer, mercilessly declaring a heart wrenching result. So I made up my mind to regain my health and confidence - this was the opportunity for me to start exercising.

        Everything is difficult at first, but when you truly want to change, amazing power can emerge. I started to engage in weight training, mountaineering, and cycling, and my physical fitness gradually improved. Even my friends around me noticed my changes. When I was finally able to lift more weight, I had already developed a habit of exercising. The sense of achievement made me love sports more and enjoy the process of sweating, as well as the joy of achieving goals with three or five friends. Let's go! Let's exercise together and give ourselves a chance to become better! (FE SOGO Department stores/Gao Yien)


        I love yoga. It's not just a sport, but also a process of dialogue and exploration between the mind and body. It allows me to focus on breathing, posture, and bodily sensations, helping me stay away from the hustle and bustle of life, enter a quiet inner space, and establish deeper connections with myself. Yoga not only has various postures and movements, but also is divided into different styles and schools, from the strength based flow yoga (Vinyasa Yoga) to the stretching of the trunk and limbs (Yin Yoga), each with its own characteristics and advantages, and suitable practice methods can be selected according to physical and mental conditions and needs. In addition, the philosophy of yoga has also subtly influenced my lifestyle, making me pay more attention to physical and mental health and inner peace. (Far Eastern Memorial Hospital/Wu Yishan)


        Because my job involves sportswear, I have developed a passion for fitness in order to better understand the needs of users. I was originally going to the gym to receive retraining guidance from my coach, but due to the COVID pandemic, I switched to practicing at home on my own. However, without the supervision of the coach, autonomous training often encounters difficulties, especially when sick or having meals, which inevitably leads to laziness.

        To motivate myself, I changed my intensity exercise from twice a week to 15-30 minutes of aerobic, retraining, stretching, and other exercises every day. I searched for suitable course videos on YouTube and worked on different parts as needed. If the condition is good on that day, it can even increase to 45-60 minutes. I persisted for 2-3 months in this way, although there was not a significant difference in weight, my posture improved significantly, which also prompted me to constantly challenge myself. (Far Eastern New Century Corporation/Lin Zhifan)

        【 V 】

        I love the Pilates class on equipment. Every time I step into the training room, I feel the tightness and stretching of my muscles during exercise, which makes me feel like I have a new understanding of my body. The coach's careful guidance and encouragement in the class also motivate me to constantly push my limits. Every action I complete is a recognition of myself. Not only for exercising, but also as an important way for me to relax both physically and mentally. Through this process, I find inner peace and balance, as well as a healthier body, rich life experiences, and positive energy. (Oriental Securities Corporation/Chen Jingci)


        At different stages of life, the sports I enjoy vary. Before having children, I love jogging and yoga the most because during the process of exercising alone, I can have conversations with my body, understand the tension level of various muscles, and ultimately achieve peace of mind. Since I had a child two years ago, my favorite thing is to take her to the park for slides and brisk walks on the playground. Although I can no longer exercise alone, accompanying her outdoors allows me to see completely different scenery. Her small body followed behind her, sometimes briskly walking, sometimes jogging, sometimes even reaching out for a hug when tired, but as long as she was encouraged, she could continue to move forward. Just like the growth and development of children, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, they also need encouragement in order to have the strength to continue making progress. In short, although exercising alone is better than exercising alone, my favorite sport now is to walk fast with my daughter. (Far Eastern International Bank/Li Chengyi)


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