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09.2024 Life Guide

During the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon is full and Korean style grilled meat welcomes the Jade Rabbit

Yu Chang Technical Commercial Vocational High School / Zhuang Yijun
4093602        Korean style grilled meat is one of the world-renowned Korean delicacies. In addition to the classic pork belly, the expensive roasted beef is also popular. Paired with vegetables, unique side dishes, and flavored dipping sauce, accompanied by shochu or draft beer, the table is filled with a delicious and appetizing sensation. In this issue of 'Gourmet Column', we will share the most classic Korean style copper plate grilled meat. Hurry up and invite your friends and family to a barbecue party to welcome this year's Mid Autumn Moon.

        1、 Traditional Korean style copper plate grilled meat

        4093601        [Materials]

        1. Main ingredients: 2 pounds of pork belly flower (about 2 centimeters wide).

        2. Ingredients: 1 onion, 100g green vegetables, 1 piece of tofu, 100g fresh shiitake mushrooms, 1 small packet of Korean winter noodles.

        3. Ingredients: 1 lettuce, 1 lettuce plant, several Korean perilla leaves, 60 grams of garlic kernels, 3 red chili peppers, and an appropriate amount of white sesame seeds.


        Soak Korean winter noodles in water and let them soften.

        2. Cut the tofu into cubes of about 3 centimeters.

        3. Lettuce, lettuce vine, and perilla leaves are all washed with edible water, soaked in ice water, and then dehydrated using a salad dehydrator.

        4. Peel off the outer skin of the onion, wash it thoroughly, remove the head, tail, and root hairs, and cut it into thin strands.

        After washing the scallions, remove the roots and cut them into diagonal slices.

        After removing the stems from the garlic kernels, cut them into thin slices.

        Wash the chili peppers, remove the stems, and cut them into thin slices.

        8. Cut the shiitake mushrooms flat, remove the stems, and slice them into thick slices.

        Cut both sides of the pork belly into diamond shaped grids, spray an appropriate amount of shochu, marinate with a little salt and pepper, and refrigerate for 1 hour.

        10. Preheat the Korean style copper plate by placing it on the stove.

        11. Traditional copper pots have a high convex center and low concave sides. First, apply oil to the raised surface of the pot, spread out five strips of pork, wait for both sides to turn golden yellow, then flip and grill until 70% cooked, cut to the desired thickness, evenly spread the sauce, continue baking until the expected degree of maturity, and then remove.

        12. Place the sliced meat on top of lettuce and sesame leaves, along with an appropriate amount of garlic slices, chili slices, and flavor sauce. Roll and enjoy.

        13. The oil extracted from grilled meat will flow along the grooves to the grooves around the edge of the pot, seeping into the mushrooms, tofu, and vegetables laid on the edge of the pot, making the vegetables that have absorbed the meat juice and marinade fresher and sweeter.

        14. Add Korean winter noodles and wait for them to fully absorb the soup, then enjoy a multi-layered flavor with a chewy texture and a meaty aroma.

                2、 Korean style pear pickling sauce


        60g garlic kernels, 60g green onions, 1/4 teaspoon white pepper, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, 30g red chili, 1 tablespoon Korean chili sauce, 1/2 cup soju, 1/2 cup soy sauce, 2 tablespoons mirin, 60g pear, and 2 tablespoons sesame oil.


        1. Cut the scallions into 5cm small pieces, and cut the garlic and chili into small pieces.

        2. Put all ingredients except for the scallions into the food processor, stir evenly, and finally add the scallions.

        3、 Ginger Juice Sesame Original Flavor Dip Sauce


        50g ginger, 1 tablespoon white vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper powder, 1 teaspoon sesame oil, and 1 teaspoon white sesame.


        1. Stir fry white sesame seeds in a dry wok over low heat until slightly oily, giving them a golden color.

        2. Ginger is ground into ginger paste using a grinding board.

        3. Fill a seasoning bowl with ginger paste, salt, and white pepper powder, and mix until the salt dissolves.

        4. Add white vinegar, sesame oil, and mix well.

        4、 Korean style spicy sauce Sprite dipping sauce


        30g Korean style spicy sauce, 60cc Sprite soda, 15g soy sauce, 5g sesame oil, 15g scallions, and 1 teaspoon white sesame.


        1. Stir fry white sesame seeds in a dry pan over low heat until slightly oily and golden brown in color.

        After washing the scallions, remove the roots and cut them into chopped scallions.

        3. Pour Korean chili sauce and Sprite soda into a porcelain bowl, adjust the consistency, add soy sauce and sesame oil for seasoning, and finally stir fry white sesame seeds and chopped green onions until well mixed.

        To welcome the Mid-Autumn Festival barbecue, it is recommended to choose prototype food materials as far as possible to reduce the frequency of brushing sauce for high calorie processed food and barbecue sauce. The Korean style grilled meat introduced in this issue is paired with lettuce and lettuce, which is both healthy and nutritious, and can also remove oil and relieve greasiness. A large amount of garlic slices, onions, and perilla leaves, combined with specially flavored Korean dipping sauce, as well as various handmade Korean side dishes, can add flavor and taste, allowing everyone to eat to their heart's content and be healthy!


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