The English version is AI translated.


2021年11月號 乐活职人

防疫英语Part 2--居家、异地、分流办公怎么说?

EIE美语 / 提供


Vocabulary (词汇)

1. flexible hours/flextime(弹性工时)

During a Level 3 alert, employees should maintain flexible working hours to reduce the number of commuters during peak hours.(三级警戒期间,员工们依循弹性工时,有助于疏解尖峰时段的通勤人潮。)

2. take turns/alternate(分流上班)

My colleagues and I take turns coming to the office and working from home during a Level 3 alert.(三级警戒期间,我和同事们轮流到公司上班或居家办公。)

3. Level 3 alert(三级警戒)

The Level 3 alert for COVID-19 has been extended for another two weeks.(COVID-19疫情三级警戒将再延长两週。)

4. Working from home(WFH)(居家办公)

During the pandemic, we must all work from home for the time being.(疫情期间,我们必须採取居家办公。)

5. off-site异地办公(分配不同员工于不同场域办公)

During the pandemic, our regular meetings to discuss the project progress will be held off-site.(疫情期间, 例行会议将于异地进行专案进度回报)

6. gathering群聚(indoor gathering室内群聚/outdoor gathering室外群聚/social gathering社交聚会)

Level 3 alert bans indoor gatherings of more than four people and outdoor gatherings of more than nine. (三级警戒下,室内群聚不得超过四人,室外群聚不得超过九人。)



Mark:Good morning, Sabrina. Have you checked your email yet?(早安,Sabrina 。妳看email了吗?)

Sabrina:Not yet. I just came out from a meeting.(还没。我才刚结束一场会议。)

Mark:I sent you our new arrangements for working from home. Please take a look at it as soon as you can.(我把最新的居家办公安排表寄给妳。请尽快抽空过目一下。)

Sabrina:Alright, I’m checking it now… Oh! It seems like we will all be working from home for a while. (好的,我看到了。看来我们需要居家办公一阵子。)

Mark:Although I’m sure this Level 3 Restriction will end soon.(虽然如此,但我认为三级警戒很快就会解除。)

Sabrina:Well, I believe we can handle the work offsite and still be efficient as we always be.(我相信我们大家即使异地办公,也一样能有效率的完成工作。)

Mark:Indeed. Let’s keep each other updated with the progress.(当然。我们会随时互相更新进度。)

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